Hearthstone Mom's Co-Op

Welcome to the Hearthstone Mom's Co-Op Home Page!

This group is designed to celebrate our kids and of course...ourselves! Each year we host several events for the moms, kids, and families to get to know our neighborhood pals. Events include a Spring Festival, Summer Splash Bash, Back to School Party, Fall Festival & Hot Momma Chili Cook-off, Bad Mom's Christmas Dinner & Ornament Exchange, Holiday Market, and Santa Visits. As participation is growing, we hope to get some additional events on the calendar this year as well. Dues are $30 for 2020 and cover the cost of all planned events for the kids.

Co-Chairs of the Co-Op:

  • Kristen Pekema: 281-797-3288


  • Nicole Allen 610-248-4745


Dues can be paid in the following ways:

Checks/cash: contact Nicole Allen

Venmo: @Nicole-Allen21