Heart Tempo

Measure a beat in an instant.

Introducing Heart Tempo!

Heart Tempo is a new, beautiful, and simple way to get your heart rate, the tempo from that song, or the rhythm from anything else.

Simply press the button to begin, and tap out the beat in the big box in the centre of the screen until the app prompts you with the result! It's as easy as that.

Heart Tempo has a beautiful and intuitive design, presenting you with the app in all its elegance with no difficulty to use.

There are three modes within the app, - heart rate, music beat, and other - each tuned for that specific category. There is also a history panel, where your past beat measurements appear right there for you to refer back to later (you can delete any entry in history at any time).

Heart Tempo will launch on iOS 15 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in March 2022.