Field Campaign 2022

Nottingham, United Kingdom

Date: 3-7 October 2022

The Healthcare Robotics Technologies - Metrified (HEART-MET) competition aims to address the growing age-related healthcare costs and quality of life problems, which threaten the stability and safety of the social security systems in charge of paying and maintaining high quality of healthcare. The competition addresses tasks that may directly impact the user's well-being, in a complex and unstructured domestic environment. This implies the use of a wide variety of functionalities, and requires a strict validation of the safety of the robotic behaviours.

The robots are evaluated on functionalities such as object and person detection, activity and gesture recognition and object handover, which are required to complete tasks such as assessing the activity state of a person, delivery items to a person and preparing, etc.

We are pleased to announce the METRICS HEART-MET field campaign to be held between 3-7 October 2022 at the Cobot Maker Space, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

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"This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 871252 (METRICS)”