Aspose.cells For .net Download

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I have recently wrote a program in C#, and utilizing Aspose.Cells.dll in order to export my reports in Excel format. I installed my program on my computer and some of my friends' it works fine, but today when I faced a clean computer(which has no .net framework or any programming frameworks), the installer installed the prerequisites (.Net Framework 3.5), and the program is launching, but when it comes to use the Aspose.Cells.dll it throws this exception:

I have a question regarding aspose cells for gridview .NET I am trying to implement a worksheet with data validations and formulas already set from the template. From what I read it should import automatically with the file import into gridview. I have done that but that does not happen and it seems that on every change to a cell I perform there is a postback being performed. Please help if I missing anything I believe the aspose .net total package will be great for my company. 5376163bf9

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