Healthy Kids Cooking Classes for all Ages:
Parents thank you for your patience as we update our website. Please email, call or text me if you are looking to register for classes. We do have classes in all locations continuing.
This is me with Dr. William Sears (Dr. Bill) at a training I attended. He is a famous pediatrian located in California and author of over 40+ books. I love being able to share the Lean Starts Programs.
Meet the Owner:
Hello Everyone,
My name is Denise Bradley and I am a Certified Healthy Hands Cooking Instructor and the owner of Healthy Steps Kids Cook. I am not a professional chef, but a mom on a mission to eat healthier and get my family to as well.
I am so excited to share my cooking classes with your families & help them learn about Healthy cooking too.
Why should you attend one of my classes? Not only am I a mom of 4 picky young adults, but I am also a certified Health Coach with the Dr. William Sears Wellness Institute. One thing I have learned is that people know that they need to make a change but they don't because they lack the skills & tools. That is where I come in. My job is to share ideas to help fill your toolbox so that you will be inspired to make healthier choices. I have found that when people know why they need to make a change, and have the tools, they make them and gain success to live a healthier life. And that goes for kids too!!
As a mobile business owner I have the flexibility to set up my kitchen in any location. Which means I can bring the class to your location.
My classes are perfect for schools, community centers, special events, afterschool programs, homeschool classes & groups, classroom demonstrations, library programs, Scout troops, and so much more. They are affordable because I supply everything you need at each class and I choose quality ingredients. We don't need a full kitchen to cook up some fun. Lets start cooking with STEAMM!
Community Partners:
Parents registration prior to class is necessary to allow me to plan, shop and prepare enough food for each child attending as well as make any needed changes to accommodate for allergies.
Registration closes a few days prior to class.
Last minute registration will be considered but not guaranteed.
Contact me: 772-222-7510
I need your help to share with others about my amazing classes!
Scroll here to see what we have been up to in class!!
Join me in Stuart, Port St. Lucie or Tequesta!! Vero started 11/22
Registration Open:
All of our classes are fun and engaging. If you are looking for a more hands on class experience? Then one of these classes will do. These classes are designed to have more hands on learning like basic kitchen skills, peeling, knife safety, chopping & dicing. Students will follow a recipe and prepare & cook their meal. These classes are usually 1.5 -2H long. Cost: $28 - $45/student (Pricing based on supplies needed for class & cost of space used)
Healthy Hands Cooking even has programs designed for an afterschool program. So if you are looking to provide something after school just inquire.
These classes are on Sundays twice a month at the Market on Main at Flagler Park in Downtown Stuart. 9a - 1p. We are on the side porch of the Flagler Center facing the Park.
Not sure if your kids will love cooking class? Then one of these class demonstrations is for you. Students will assemble/cook their own recipe. These classes are generally 1 - 1.5H long and usually share activities. Cost: $10 - $28/student (Pricing based on supplies needed for classes & cost of location)
I can tailor any of my classes to meet the needs of your group or budget. Just message me for details. Providing a location decreases the cost.
772-222-7510 or
Large groups can be a demonstration class that is FREE or a quickly assembled meal like the preschool class pictured. (Price based on size of group and cost of supplies)
Learn a little more about Healthy Hands Cooking!!
Learn About Gardening:
Request more info regarding upcoming gardening classes!
Learning to cook is just 1 part of what kids learn in class, We also talk about where food comes from and why quality of food matters! Here are some photos from my Tower Garden classes. These classes help kids learn more about where food comes from and how we use fresh herbs and veggies for cooking.
Grow your own food for cooking. It easy and fun. From lettuces, & other greens, to squash, tomato's, green beans, herbs & spices.
I partnered with Healthy Hands Cooking because it aligned with the philosophy I already was teaching with my Health Coaching classes from Dr. William Sears.
HHC Class Recipes are Based on the Following Food Philosophy:
by Detria Branch, Contributing Editor HHC Certified Instructor, Nutritional Health Coach
In a perfect world, we strive to uphold standards that we hope will pass on to our children and the families which they are apart. As we navigate this winding highway on the road to good health, it is integral that we are aware of not only providing ingredients with which to create tasty and healthy meals and snacks, but quality foods, from clean, pure and wholesome sources.
Below are the preferred guidelines from which we look upon, whenever possible, to ensure that we are doing our part to support the health of our children, our economy and our planet.
Eat Clean. Keep your food sources as close to Mother Nature as possible.
Take the Science Out of Your Food. If you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't be eating it.
Shop Local. Not only does this support our local economy, most importantly with small businesses, but the shorter the distance produce needs to travel, the more nutritious it can be!
Shop Seasonally. Seasonal produce is more affordable, which will help keep anyone in budget and will also reduce environmental costs of long distance transportation.
Shop Wisely. Fresh and healthy food should be affordable! Use coupons, weekly sales, in-store specials, farmers markets and buying clubs to get the most for your money.
Avoid Trans Fats. This includes partially and fully hydrogenated oils. Avoid labels that claim 0g trans fats, since there are still trans fats in the product (ingredient list should confirm).
Avoid Excess Sugars. Look for foods that are minimally sweetened, sweetened with natural sugars (e.g. fruit juice, honey, molasses) or use a safe natural alternative (i.e. stevia, xylitol).
Reduce Refined Carbohydrates. Avoid bleached, white flours and sugars. Look for multi-grain, 100% whole grain and 100% fruit/vegetable juice on the label.
Shop Wild Caught Fish. Farmed raised fish aren’t fed the optimal diet and contribute to the pollution of our waters. To get a healthier omega-‐3 ratio in the diet, look for wild caught whenever possible.
Shop Grass-fed and/or Organic Meats. These meats are not only free of antibiotics, hormones and growth promoters, but the animals are also fed grass and/or organic feed and raised in a healthier environment.
Shop Organic. Organic foods (i.e. dairy, meats, grains, legumes and produce) support a cleaner environment and a healthier and more nutritionally sound mind and body. They are GMO-‐free, as well as being free of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, herbicides, sewage sludge and irradiation. Look for organic ingredients listed, “made with organic ingredients” stated or the USDA Organic certification seal. When shopping for produce, look for a 9 on the PLU sticker or trust your local farmer.
Avoid GMOs. Genetically Modified or Genetically Enhanced ingredients. GMOs are designated with an 8 on the PLU sticker for produce. Labeling is an option, not a mandate, and is rarely done. Support your state’s initiative to mandate GMO labeling of our foods. We can also vote with our pocketbooks by buying GMO-free and/or organic foods! Visit and see if your favorite products are verified!
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners. Includes: acesulfame-‐K (acesulfame potassium), aspartame, sucralose (Splenda) and saccharin.
Avoid Artificial Preservatives. Includes: ammonium chloride, azodicarbonamide, BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), potassium benzoate, potassium bisulfite, potassium bromate, potassium metabisulfite, etc.
Avoid Artificial Colorings and Flavorings. Includes: carmine, vanillin, ethyl vanillin, titanium dioxide, D&C blue # 1 & 2, red dye #40, yellow #6 ,etc.