Ostomies can be Hot

I see a whole lot of crazy talk and videos all day long. I love to stay social and active online and it gives me a pretty good perspective on people's perception of certain things. What I love is to see people get completely surprised by what they deem as hot or good looking. It is always wonderful to see tons of people find people who have a stoma beautiful and hot looking from a purely objective standpoint. That is because they are objectively and subjectively beautiful and you can be too. If you just had an ostomy are worried about your looks or have been living with a stoma and your ostomy bag for years, know that you are hot and can look how you want to. I mean it if you think you cannot be desired due to your stoma then you need to talk to different people who value you more or simply do some research and find those people who are praised for their looks without even knowing that they have a stoma. It is a pretty cool thing.

Now I can't give you a body overnight that is incredible. Most people rather they admit it or not who are considered beautiful work very hard in the gym or on their diet or both to stay the way they look. It takes time, effort, and incredible habits that they have built up over years. Nothing happens overnight so slap that stupidity right off. I am not in amazing shape as American standards would say, but my habits of eating right and working out even with my stoma are getting me on the right track. The fact that I have a stoma to me is secondary and it does not come into the mind of my looks because it is such a small part of it.

You know that small ostomy bags, or stoma caps exist and if you need to show off your body and feel the need to show that area then you can. You can look just a hot with a stoma as without and trust me no one is going to judge you for that area but you! If they do judge you, then you know they are simply not worth the time of day as a person. Those people exist, but they are rarer than you might think and much more lonely. But I also want to give some solid tips on where to start.

I am always a fan of fashion and looking good in that sense. To be honest I am not a very fashionable person on my own and copy most of my looks from others who know what they are doing. So the first thing to do is to find those people you want to emulate online. There are tons of social media stars with stomas in all aspects of life. Men and women alike are all online trying to make some money and some are there to help others out. So get on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube and start searching for people you want to look like and copy them. It is not rocket science. The whole world is just a giant copy cat so follow suit and enjoy how you look because of it. Then I would say hit the gym and let the hotness begin.