How To Drink Water & Stay Hydrated - Beautiful skin inside and out

Tips by Tamara | April 2024 | Proper Way to Drink Water and Stay Hydrated for healthier body & glowing skin

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If you've ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering if there's a right way to drink water, you're not alone. But believe it or not, there is indeed a method to the madness. We all know that drinking water is essential for our bodies and brains; it's the elixir of life. Water plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. It carries nutrients to cells, aids in digestion, transports waste out of the body, lubricates joints, regulates body temperature, and helps flush out toxins. Despite its importance, many of us still struggle to maintain proper hydration levels. So, how do you know if you're adequately hydrated? Here are five signs to watch out for:

1. Dark urine or infrequent urination, 2. Persistent thirst, 3. Dry mouth and lips, 4. Fatigue and weakness, and 5. Headaches and dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's a clear indication that your body is in need of more water.

But fear not! If you're looking to elevate your hydration game and make it a sustainable lifestyle choice, I'm here to guide you through the proven Ayurvedic approach. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers timeless wisdom on how to optimize our hydration practices for holistic well-being. So, read on to discover a comprehensive guide to staying hydrated the Ayurvedic way.

These steps will allow your body to absorb water in an effective way. The general recommendation is to aim for drinking around eight glasses of water per day. Let's break down how you can optimize your hydration routine:

1) Ditch cold water and switch to lukewarm or warm water. Cold water can shock your system and disrupt digestion. On the other hand, warm water is gentler on the stomach and helps to stimulate digestion and metabolism. It also encourages blood flow and detoxification processes.

2) Enhance your water by adding a teaspoon of Himalayan or Celtic salt, pre-soaked chia seeds, or a slice of ginger. These additions not only infuse your water with added minerals and natural electrolytes but also assist your body in absorbing the water more effectively. 

3) Kickstart your day with a glass of warm water the minute you wake up. Overnight, our bodies accumulate toxins that need to be flushed out. Drinking warm water upon waking helps to jumpstart your metabolism, aids in detoxification, and supports overall digestive health.

4) Avoid gulping water down in one go. Instead, sip it throughout the day for better absorption. Gulping water quickly can overwhelm the body's capacity to absorb it, whereas sipping allows for gradual hydration and optimal absorption.

5) Drink water at least half an hour before eating and not during eating. Consuming water during meals dilutes digestive juices and can hinder the body's ability to break down food efficiently. It's best to hydrate before or after meals to support digestion and maintain the proper function of the digestive system.

These steps will ensure you are well-hydrated, promoting glowing skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Additionally, consider adding electrolyte powder to your water after intense workouts or during hot weather to replenish lost minerals and maintain hydration levels. Here's my favorite electrolyte, you can- Buy it here.

Furthermore, incorporating daily collagen powder into your routine can also benefit your skin. Collagen is a protein that helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration, reducing the formation of wrinkles and promoting a youthful appearance. Adding collagen powder to your daily regimen can support skin health and contribute to a vibrant complexion. My favorite collagen powder - You can buy it here.

I also incorporate hyaluronic acid supplement into my daily routine. This supplements is very good at retaining water as well as it reduces skin wrinkles and lines. This is my to go supplement - Buy it here. 

Lastly, don't forget to grab a nice water bottle that will stimulate you to drink more. 

Happy hydrating!!