Is My Knee Pain Minor or More Severe? What to Look Out For

Many Indians suffer from chronic pain, with over 100 million people experiencing various types of chronic pain. One of the most common is knee pain, which about one in three Indians deal with at some point in their lives.

While knee pain becomes more common with age, other factors can also contribute to it. Injuries, underlying medical conditions, or overusing the knee joints can lead to severe knee pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Whether your knee pain came on suddenly due to an injury or developed gradually over time, it's important to see an orthopedic specialist as soon as possible. The specialist will perform tests and ask questions to determine how intense your knee pain is and what treatment options are best for you. Getting proper medical care for your knee pain can relieve symptoms and guide you toward long-term solutions that work.

Below are some other reasons that might cause serious knee pain. 

5 Possible Causes of Knee Pain


Bursitis, also known as "preacher's knee," occurs when the bursa becomes inflamed, causing pain and swelling in the knee. The bursa is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between bones and tissues around joints.

Bursitis in the knee commonly results from:

As a result, bursitis is very common among athletes.

To help prevent bursitis in the knee:

• Maintain proper posture and avoid excessively bending your knee.

• Limit the amount of time you spend kneeling.

• Be mindful of overusing your knee during physical activity.

• Use knee pads when doing activities that put pressure on your knee.

• Apply ice and use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication to relieve swelling and pain from bursitis.

• See a doctor for severe or persistent knee bursitis that does not improve with home treatment. They may recommend cortisone injections, physical therapy, or surgery in some cases.

IT (Iliotibial) Band Syndrome

The iliotibial (IT) band is a thick strand of tissue that runs from your hip down the outer side of your knee.

IT band syndrome occurs when the IT band becomes irritated and inflamed. This causes severe pain on the outside of your knee.

IT band syndrome is common in runners and hikers, especially when:

Here are some tips to help prevent IT band syndrome:

If you already have IT band syndrome:


Osteoarthritis is the prime cause of pain after the age of 50. It is a “wear and tear” type of arthritis and causes the knee joint to swell and ache, especially when you are active. In some cases, the joint also gets stiff. 

Fortunately, you can improve your condition with proper self-care and regular visits to the doctor. In case the condition gets worse, it is recommended to get surgery. So, look out for the Best knee replacement surgeons and explain your symptoms. They can help identify the prime cause and help you get better soon.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common knee condition that affects active young people, usually between the ages of 10 and 15 years old.

It occurs as the bones and tissues in and around the knee are still growing and developing.

The main symptom of Osgood-Schlatter disease is pain just below the knee cap at the tibial tubercle, where the knee connects to the shin bone. The pain often comes and goes, and is usually worse with activity or knee bending.

The condition is caused by repeated pulling of the patellar tendon where it attaches to the tibial tubercle. This can cause inflammation and irritation at the growth plate in that area.

It is important to see a doctor if you think you may have Osgood-Schlatter disease. The doctor will:

• Examine your knee to confirm the diagnosis

• Rule out other conditions with similar symptoms

• Recommend ways to manage the pain and inflammation

• Suggest activity modifications to help heal the tendon attachment

Osgood-Schlatter disease typically improves on its own once the knee has finished growing. However, limiting high impact activities and strengthening the muscles around the knee can help speed up your recovery.

In most cases, Osgood-Schlatter disease is not serious and does not cause long-term problems. But seeing a doctor promptly can help ensure proper diagnosis and treatment to relieve your symptoms and avoid complications.

Patellar Tendinitis

Patellar tendinitis, also known as "jumper's knee," occurs when the tendon that connects your knee cap to your shin bone becomes inflamed and painful.

Patellar tendinitis most often results from:

• Repeated jumping activities like basketball, volleyball and long jumping

• Suddenly increasing the intensity or duration of exercise

• Overstraining the knee during exercise over time

The main symptoms of patellar tendinitis are:

• Pain or soreness around the knee cap where the tendon attaches to the bone

• Pain that worsens with jumping, kneeling, squatting, stairs or high impact activity

• Tenderness or pain when touching the area around the knee cap

To help prevent patellar tendinitis:

• Gradually build up activity levels instead of sudden increases

• Perform leg strengthen exercises to support the tendon

• Use an elastic knee support sleeve during activity

• Ice and stretch the knee after exercise

For patellar tendinitis treatment:

• Rest and reduce high impact activity for several weeks

• Apply ice packs to relieve pain and inflammation

• Take NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen

• Physiotherapy focused on strengthening quadriceps muscles

• In severe cases, cortisone injections or surgery may be needed

In summary, patellar tendinitis is caused by repetitive strain or overuse of the tendon connecting your knee cap to your tibia bone. Following proper precautions during exercise and seeking treatment if needed can help relieve the pain and inflammation of jumper's knee.

To Sum It All Up!

Knee pain, if not treated timely, can affect your life severely. It can worsen your situation leading to difficulty in walking or performing everyday activities. Therefore, consult your orthopedic doctor and get treated as soon as you experience any pain.