
Types of Information Security Systems in Healthcare

There are 2 different types of information infrastructure that HIP is mainly held and protected by, namely Network Security and Information security. Network security is defined by Kaspersky as "is the practice of securing a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic malware." They also define Information Security as "protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit." 

These security measures are mainly set up and accessed on computers. These computers have applications that also have a form of security that, "focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. A compromised application could provide access to the data its designed to protect." All of the information about these mediums of security can, again, be found at Kaspersky online. 

What is Being Attacked?

The computers in healthcare departments which have application, information, and network security are all targeted from those who seek to gain this valuable information, looking to sell it to gain money. Specifically the problem lies in the architecture of our Wi-Fi connections, our application securities, and the storage/disbursement of our data. Hackers can get in through holes in the internet signal that connects the world wide web, no where near the source of the "stored" data. They can get information by attacking the holes in application code from across the world. They can get data by tracking how it is moved through the healthcare field... from provider to pharmacy to insurance, if they have the right tools. 

It is very scary if you think about it. We assume that information is safe, however, its not always protected to the highest degree. There is something to be said about education and warning individuals of the power hackers have to take their information.