Health And Hygiene For Harmony

A Prescription for Wellbeing

By D.R. Hugh Mann

Brief Introduction

Humans adapt by nature and nature adapts to humans, therefore when optimizing prime ultimate experience - both macro environments that envelop conscious existence, and life's microsystems (bodies) that serve wellbeing should be carefully honed and honored. For healthy survival and successful thrival, increasing life-force energy while preventing harmful energy and situations can cultivate wellbeing in human systems that in turn develops healthy collectives that may spill over into nature for further flourishing in a cyclical relationship. 

Health Cure Principals

Oral Hygiene

Over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) diluted to 3%, appears just like water, and is similarly odorless and tasteless. Regular use of hydrogen peroxide as an oral debriding mouthwash can be highly beneficial by letting foam inside the mouth for 30-60 seconds then spitting out, not swallowing. Good for use after flossing, and when brushing teeth. When sick, there may be more foaming than usual due to additional harmful bacteria in the mouth (micro) and body (macro) systems. 

A significant mouth-to-heart connection has proven to show symptoms of tooth decay when a heart is unhealthy. Regular oral H2O2 hygiene can improve the cardiac and blood systems, as can proper exercise and nutrition. An anecdotal benefit of spent H2O2 is cleaner plumbing, especially effective for septic tanks due to its gentile-to-the-environment cleansing agency. H2O2 can be inexpensively purchased at most supermarkets, pharmacies, and dollar stores in the first-aid section. 

Baking Soda

Adding Sodium Bicarbonate to drinking water (with or without fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice) serves a human body especially well by restoring an alkaline pH balance that can catalyze the immune system to cure/prevent cancer and perhaps scores of other diseases. This is especially helpful for those who smoke, and/or regularly consume highly acidic diets. Adding baking soda to baths, soaps, shampoos, and toothpastes can also be beneficial for cleansing. 

Oil Pulling

Mouth-washing a table-spoon of coconut oil for 1-3 minutes or more, then spitting out, can pull toxins out from the body. Other helpful oils can also be used for body cleansing, preservation, and maintenance. 


A transformational substance, vinegar should be a regular ingredient for healthy human consumption. White vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, and others will suffice when diluted with water. Consume a half shot-glass amount once a week or more for optimum results, especially if sick with the cold or flu. Feeling the tingle upon ingestion will confirm the healing effects in the body, and likely also aids in decalcifying the pineal gland from years of fluoride poisoning. Be careful not to mix vinegar and baking soda consumption, unless seeking an inner body cleanse, although laxative-type cleansing is not recommended due to the extreme discomfort of diarrhea, though it may be helpful in small doses, especially for obese people. 

Green Tea

Seasoning organic green tea with ginger powder spice and sweetening with agave or honey helps heal and perform maintenance to many of the body's systems. 

Sun Rays

Natural sunlight on the bare skin at appropriate times and in reasonable amounts catalyzes vitamin D production in the human body, but be sure to also get plenty of hydration and shade so as to not burn, such as 10 minutes of exposure per front and back side, then 20 minutes or more of shade, depending on time of day, skin sensitivity, and base tan. The mid-day hours are usually the most intense, and human skin can still get sunburned on a cloudy or overcast day. Caution: some sun-block brands may do more harm than good over time. Natural Aloe Vera can be used to treat sunburns. 


There are scores of other beneficial natural products that can have significant results to human functioning such as garlic and chia seeds, therefore listening to your own body for guidance and doing what feels good without harm is good practice for tuning your body-as-an-instrument to proper pitch. The Internet and local health food stores are a good start for becoming more aware, but knowing what works well for YOU is better than listening to a medical doctor whose professional purpose is motivated by the exploitation of energy and/or money by prescribing pharma meds en-masse, unnecessary testing, and overly-invasive treatments as opposed to ethically increasing the health and function of their patients via simple and/or inexpensive methods. 


For strains and sprains, remember R.I.C.E. for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. When trauma strikes with say a broken bone, professional or proper treatment is best called for to set and cast the injury, which is why hospitals will always be relevant, but medical marijuana has been proven to aid in the faster healing of broken bones, and may even heal by scent alone. Due to myth, misrepresenting propaganda, and nefarious agendas to keep cannabis off the pharmaceutical shelves, among other medical atrocities, western medicine is still lagging behind where it should be today.   


Just because a treatment isn't (yet) proven effective by a widely trusted mainstream herd mentality or provided with approval by a regulatory agency is not the same as ineffective. Ask anyone who has benefited from acupuncture if they care that their treatment may be discredited by a widely trusted medical association. For further investigation, ask why the American Medical Association's logo is based on the caduceus, a Greek symbol of medicine which is used in Hermetic alchemy and relates to the Hindu term Kundalini, for serpent energy. Then ask a psychiatrist who tows the DSM5 line about telepathy, psychic-nervous system development, and special healing powers, and chances are they'll be at a loss because these concepts are excluded by design from western medical training. Prescribing toxins that dull spiritual development is maligned to improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities, therefore there's a disconnect in western medicine due to compartmentalization, fostering ignorance in those who become medically accredited, shameful agenda making by those who possess, yet don't share, pertinent information, and amoral medical finance structures and schemes.

If ignorance is not knowing, and idiocy is choosing to ignore knowledge, then attempting to suppress knowledge is stupidity because actually suppressing beneficial knowledge is retardation. Wisdom is applying knowledge well. 

Concerning research, remember that trial and improvement trump's trial and error, and semantics aside, just because a treatment option works well for some, doesn’t mean it will work well for all. 

Health Care Principles 

Symbiosis is greater than parasitic/host relationships, and when symbiotic harmony is reached, especially those with prompt feedback systems for self-correction and optimization, mutualism and fractalization based upon ratio, scale, and optimal growth patterns are likely to occur to model and expand for further generation. Inversely, chaotic and exploitative feed/need disharmony will deteriorate a system, those who serve it, and those who participate without correction.   

Dis-Ease is caused by either toxicity or deficiency. A common misconception is that “Smoking causes cancer, cancer is a harmful disease, therefore smoking is toxic.” Humans have engaged in smoking for many generations, yet only recently have potentially harmful toxins/chemicals been added to popular tobacco brands. Also, smoking cannabis and other plant medicines can be very helpful to a human biological system. Therefore, a more accurate statement would be “Smoking excessive amounts of anything (including tobacco) especially when mixed with harmful toxins can result in disease or worse, yet smoking plant medicines can be beneficial, therefore smoking isn't always harmful.”

Well-being typically results from proper balance. 

Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food” is a beautiful quote by the Greek founder of medicine, yet today we know medicine can come in many other beneficial forms. Food intolerance and allergies prove that all humans are NOT subject to the same outcomes for any given stimuli, therefore medicine (health-cure) and maintenance and prevention (health-care) should be formulated upon by both general principals, and individual needs. For example, everyone knows food is required for human sustenance, most people know that fresh organic whole foods will serve a body far better than rancid or genetically-maligned processed-food-like-substances that happen to alleviate hunger, yet few people realize that each blood-type has an optimal nutrition variation that differs from the others*. For example, blood-type O bodies can thrive on vegan diets but show intolerance to over-consumption of animal protein, whereas bodies with B-type blood may become unstable without lean meat. *Research in this area seems to be lacking at best, is likely suppressed, and abused at worst.

Because life feeds upon life, conscious consumption that serves wellness is best when consumers reflect upon their nutrition and consider all ramifications of chosen meals. Respect and gratitude complement served meals well because all consumers both reap and sow, so to speak. 


Skipping a few meals here and there won't hurt, and a simple fruit, nut, and/or veggie meal can stave off hunger when refraining from meat. Certain lunar days and zodiac transitions are more beneficial for fasting than others, and fasting at appropriate times can help boost the immune system, flush toxins, and reverse aging. 

Sleep and Regeneration 

Clean and comfortable sleeping areas with plant-purified air that are free from disturbances are best for human physical and mental health. Going without sleep for extended periods of time is a major contributing factor to ill-mental health, as is malnourishment, dehydration, and hard-drug abuse, which also contribute to insomnia.   

Nature Retreats

Occasional camping trips to sleep amongst natural settings without alarm clocks or city noise can reset the body's natural circadian rhythm, *but be sure to exercise caution when in the wilderness. Also, the occasional urination/defecation directly into the ground can act as a check-in with the conscious forces of (Mother) Nature for a sample test of the body's inner workings that may be hidden or sterilized by modern use of plumbing/water purification systems. For those who live in rural settings, find a Pee-Tree for outside urination, and see what naturally sprouts similar to examining a culture in a petri dish.  

Considering that humans aren’t the last organism(s) to consume each meal, know that your genetic markers may provide an auric access point for subhuman creatures who consume excrement. *Also note, this may be an initiation point for telepathy, and why primitive humans are more connected to, and perhaps in tune with nature spirits. When flushing waste, it may also help to sprinkle a bit of baking soda into each toilet-use to freshen up any potential flush-muffins, so to speak, especially for those who are psychically sensitive and water-aware.


Careful practice of staring at the sun for short periods of time near sunrise and sunsets, and/or simple “sun-glancing” to say “namaste” to the sun anytime during the day, can improve mind, body, and spirit, and may even provide better access to dream memory and/or lucid dreaming. *For those who wear corrective eye-wear, take special precaution. 

Third Eye Blinking

To clear the eye sockets and improve vision and focus, occasionally cross your eyes by looking at a point in the distance (like the moon or a candle flame) so two points

(moons/flames) appear, then shift your focus of sight between the two as a way to blink the third eye chakra. Smokers subconsciously do this each time they put a flame near their nose. 


Walking barefoot in a natural setting with fresh air such as a beach or park, touching rooted vegetation, smelling flowers (unless they’re toxic or trigger allergic reactions,) hugging a tree and the like can help ground subtle energy, known as Chi or Charge. Take precaution if it's cold outside, and also consider that parasites may dwell on the ground, therefore washing afterwards is beneficial.


Psychedelics may offer humans many benefits and should be legally available for adult human use, though caution is advised. Misuse and abuse can lead to detrimental effects, and it’s claimed by experienced practitioners that proper dosage, set, and setting are of extreme importance. It may get dark, so remember to bring a light, and it’s advised to attempt to stay on the light side of the darkness. 

Aura Glow

Human bodies are shown to express sacred geometry on the surface as seen with the naked eye, as evidenced in Phi ratios of the human hands, face, torso, etcetera, as well as in the micro systems (molecular, DNA, cellular, etcetera) when viewed under microscopes. If the body activates and develops the spiritual light bodies and sheaths described in eastern cultures, it may be interpreted (not necessarily seen with the naked eye) as layers of soul or spirit that are also arranged according to sacred geometry patterns. What’s described as Kundalini Energy in the Hindu culture can be very powerful energetically, as well as healing. Some gurus claim that this mystical energy connects the mental and physical to the spiritual realms, and although mysterious, it’s worth pursuing with caution because it may lead to mental illness or even catastrophe. Although Kundalini may initiate ecstatic experiences, it can also be a destructive force that then creates a transformed, evolved being.   

The Classical Element of Fire

Consider that the best overall prescription to human well being may be a safely made fire - to feel flame's warmth. It seems obvious that humans developed with fire for heating, cooking, boiling water, etcetera, and therefore had much exposure to smoke. Breathing in the smell of good-wood fire smoke, especially if sickness is present, referred to as “nose burn,” (or inhalation burn) is a remedy that can work wonders, as is a touch of “smoke eye.” Incense can also suffice, and candles are also nice, but be careful to not to burn candles inside without a slightly opened window, as to prevent from dramatically / negatively altering the required air ratio for healthy breathing. Cold campfire ashes and coal bits have many uses such as water filtration, beneficial additions to compost and soil, and can feel good to human touch therefore may be used for spa-skin treatments. When making fire, it’s advised to seek water first. 

Drinking Water

Not all water is fit for consumption, but both standing and sea water can still put out a flame, if necessary. Fresh spring water has health benefits that filtered or treated water may lack, and of course boiled water used to be the standard before bottled and tap water. Ground-well water can be fine, especially along with enhanced modern plumbing to safe-guard from waste contamination. Rain water is healthy for hair washing and rinsing.  

Aroma Therapy

Essential-Oil Diffusers can help with breathing issues, allergies, and other lung infections - and distilled water is usually cleaner for the device. 


Local organic honey and bee pollen can help prevent (not necessarily alleviate) allergies, to help the body adjust to the local environment before allergy season(s). Over-the-counter nasal spray and allergy medications may help alleviate allergy symptoms, though some may be more effective than others depending on the person and specific allergy irritation.  

Vapor Rub

Camphor, eucalyptus, and menthol based over-the-counter vapor rub can alleviate negative symptoms of some ear, nose, throat and lung irritations and/or infections by being rubbed on the tip of the nose for inhalation.  


Deep thought, especially upon the eternal concepts found in Sacred Geometry, can be stimulating in an enlightening, and even empowering, way. When asked “what’s the purpose of life?” …a good response is: “in the short term: to learn, laugh, and love. In the long term: to evolve.” 

Meditation and Vibration

Meditation reduces stress, and stress (deficiency of peace) is a major cause of disease. Conscious breathing practices are positive and productive. Expressing and chanting syllables such as Om, Hum, Im, among several others produces a vibratory healing effect. Listening to both good and great music, singing, dancing, playing instruments, using singing bowls and tuning forks can also reduce stress and improve body function. Healing with harmonized sounds has shown wondrous results, and may be a future industry all in itself. 


Laughter may be the best medicine because hysterically laughing is a blissful experience, and bliss is what the body and soul naturally desire. Compassion, helping others, and performing good deeds also make people feel good, as do healthy orgasms, deliciously nutritious meals, dancing, hot cleansing baths, and peaceful deep sleep. Achieving equilibrium by finding contentment in neutral times can help people get to the next bliss event properly suited and better prepared for flourishing. 


The prescription for happiness is self-actualization, but self-realization usually comes first. The prescription for self-satisfaction is contentment with current circumstances by releasing expectations or desires for more, though positive and productive achievements are worth pursuing, as is comfort. The prescription for ensoulment is productive passion and/or compassion in action via focused attention and caring and sharing. Balance brings harmony, and harmony brings proper growth. Humans grow each time we learn something new, discover a truth, realize a powerful notion, develop a new skill, create something beneficial, etc. Look to nature for clues and guidance, and remember to share productive information so others may also benefit from your efforts.

System Rx

Modern health systems could flourish with an appropriate balance of socialized medicine and private insurance options, both ethically established and properly maintained for continuous improvement aiming to increase human health and wellness, as well as human environments, but without interference from maligned control apparatuses and/or unethical financial motives. 

Poverty, war, prison, evil control systems, toxic pollution (both physical and mental,) etcetera are to be avoided, and are the main causes of societal ills. For a “better-way” suggestion to organize the socio-economic-political sphere, that greatly impacts the health and wellness aspects of modern humanity, see the Political Description and Statement of Author Duke Johnson’s notion of Compassionate Meritocracy here:

By D.R. Hugh Mann

D.R abbreviated for Dick Real, Dick not short for Richard.

As a mystic I’m sensitive to, and touched by, the mystery. As an author with a humorous pseudonym, and not a medical doctor, I’m obviously more carefree about presenting medical-type documents than a licensed professional would be, yet I do feel compelled to share what I’ve picked up along the way like a sign-post with a light. I claim neither perfection nor authority, but do claim experience with the Spirit Realm, and have been touched by sentience both within the body and the auric environment, somehow connected in an, at times, expanded and/or amplified way. When that type of energy reveals itself, it has varying degrees of forcing conscious experience, perhaps depending on resistance, yet could range from a simple scent or subtle notion, to a down-pouring of gliss - the undeniable grace plus bliss experience that won’t be ignored. For those who are listening, you just might encounter glistening.

-Honoring and appreciating the sentiments: “Safety first, persistent peace, and optimal health.”