

Affirmations are positive thoughts that you repeat in your mind. Repeating affirmations to yourself (silently or out loud, your call) can help you combat mental blocks, redirect negative or self-defeating thinking, improve your sense of self-worth, and even calm you down if/when you start to spiral.

what are some affirmations I could try?

This is very much up to you. Here are some (original and borrowed) to get you started. If you Google "affirmations for ----" and fill in what you are trying to accomplish or overcome, you might have even better luck.

  • I am smart.

  • I am capable.

  • I am worthy of respect and forgiveness.

  • I attain my goals.

  • I choose my own attitude an am responsible for my own actions.

  • All of my problems have solutions.

  • I get better every single day.

  • I know how and when to ask for help.

  • I am alright right now.

  • I can do this.

This is by no means a definitive list, but you are more than welcome to give any or all of them a go.

When should i say my affirmations?

Any time! They work well if you do them at the same time every day, and then throughout the day if you feel yourself getting frustrated, worked up, or hopeless.