Before each Learning, teaching, training activity with students, the Erasmus Club from Scoala Gimnaziala Grajduri organized a preparation program for the mobility. The students participated in some activities that included also a  cultural presentation of each country. If possible, we invited different persons  to talk to the students about the countries that they were going to visit. Also , before our departure , we had a meeting with students and parents, in order to inform them about the program of the mobility, the travelling dates, risks and solutions for each unpleasant event that might occur during the mobility. 

Before each Learning, teaching, training activity with students, the Erasmus Club from Scoala Gimnaziala Grajduri organized a preparation program for the mobility. The students participated in some activities that included also a  cultural presentation of each country. If possible, we invited different persons  to talk to the students about the countries that they were going to visit. 

In march 2023, we invited Mr Paulo Vaz, the Honorary Counsel of the Romanian Ambassy in Portugal.