How can I get free healthcare in Dubai?


Healthcare is a fundamental need, but the cost can often be a barrier. Home Healthcare Services in Dubai   In Dubai, the government has made significant strides to ensure that residents and citizens have access to quality healthcare services, many of which are free or highly subsidized. But how exactly can you access these services without breaking the bank? Let's dive into the details of how to get free healthcare in Dubai.

Understanding Dubai’s Healthcare System

Dubai's healthcare system is a mix of public and private services. The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) oversees the public healthcare system, ensuring that it meets high standards of care. While private healthcare is known for its advanced technology and quick services, the public sector provides a safety net for those in need, particularly for free or low-cost care.

Eligibility for Free Healthcare in Dubai

UAE Nationals

UAE nationals are entitled to free healthcare services in Dubai. This includes access to all public hospitals and clinics, where they receive comprehensive care without any cost.

Residents with Health Insurance

Residents who have health insurance, which is mandatory in Dubai, can also access free or subsidized healthcare services. The type of services covered and the extent of the coverage depend on the specific insurance plan.

Tourists and Visitors

Tourists and visitors generally do not qualify for free healthcare services. However, in emergencies, public hospitals will provide necessary care, and the cost might be covered by travel insurance.

Public Hospitals and Clinics in Dubai

Dubai boasts several public hospitals and clinics that provide a wide range of services. Some of the major public hospitals include Rashid Hospital, Dubai Hospital, and Latifa Hospital. These institutions offer everything from emergency services to specialized treatments.

Health Insurance in Dubai

Mandatory Health Insurance

In Dubai, health insurance is mandatory for all residents. This policy ensures that everyone has access to basic healthcare services. Employers are required to provide health insurance for their employees, while dependents must be covered by their sponsor.

Basic Health Insurance Plan

The basic health insurance plan, known as the Essential Benefits Plan (EBP), is designed to cover essential healthcare services at an affordable cost. This plan includes general practitioner visits, emergency care, surgeries, and maternity care.

Government Health Programs

DHA Programs for Low-Income Residents

The DHA has several programs aimed at supporting low-income residents. These programs ensure that even those who cannot afford insurance premiums still receive necessary medical care.

Community Health Initiatives

Community health initiatives in Dubai focus on preventive care, health education, and chronic disease management. These programs are often free and aim to improve the overall health of the population.

Dubai Health Card

The Dubai Health Card is a valuable tool for residents seeking affordable healthcare. It provides access to public health services at a lower cost. Applying for the card is straightforward and can be done online through the DHA website.

Free Healthcare for Expats

Expat Insurance Options

Expats in Dubai have various insurance options, including the EBP. While not all services are free, these plans make healthcare more accessible and affordable for foreign residents.

Government Support for Expats

The Dubai government offers support programs for expats, particularly those in low-income brackets. These programs provide access to essential healthcare services at reduced rates or for free.

Accessing Emergency Services

In case of an emergency, residents and visitors can call 999 for immediate assistance. Public hospitals provide 24/7 emergency services, ensuring that critical care is available to everyone.

Maternity and Childcare Services

Dubai offers extensive maternity and childcare services. Public hospitals provide free prenatal and postnatal care for UAE nationals and insured residents. Key facilities include Latifa Hospital and Dubai Hospital, which specialize in maternal and child health.

Chronic Disease Management

Managing chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension is crucial. Dubai has numerous free programs aimed at chronic disease management. These programs offer regular checkups, medication, and counseling to help patients maintain their health.

Preventive Healthcare Services

Preventive care is a cornerstone of Dubai’s healthcare system. The DHA runs vaccination programs and health screenings to catch potential health issues early. These services are often free or subsidized, encouraging residents to stay proactive about their health.

Community Health Centers

Community health centers are spread throughout Dubai, providing easy access to primary healthcare services.   Home Healthcare Services in Dubai  These centers offer a range of services, including general consultations, vaccinations, and health education.

Mental Health Services

Mental health is gaining more attention in Dubai. The government provides free counseling and support through various public health facilities. These services are crucial for addressing mental health issues and promoting overall well-being.


Navigating the healthcare system in Dubai can seem daunting, but with the right information, accessing free or affordable healthcare becomes much easier. From public hospitals to government programs, there are numerous ways to get the care you need without worrying about the cost. Whether you're a UAE national, a resident, or an expat, Dubai's healthcare system is designed to ensure that everyone has access to essential health services.