book for weight loss

There’s a strange contradiction in the diet world. Everyone seems to accept it without question…

Think about it… Almost every diet, weight loss pill, supplement or program is encouraging you to consume MORE of something.

Weird right?

No one is talking about how to make it easier to eat less.

They try and convince you that eating less is hard, scary, bad for you, and that it’s just not appropriate… and they leave out the fact that it’s the only sustainable solution to permanent weight control.

Now, Brad’s permanent solution to weight loss is not new. As far back as ancient Greece the famous philosophers of the day were promoting the same principles found in Eat Stop Eat.

And as we’ve seen… it’s really just a way for you to mimic the way your ancestors ate. It’s what kept them lean and healthy. And it’s what your body still craves today...

So it may seem strange that “science” has taken so long to catch up. Well…

That may not be true. You see the scientific research has been there for years. And it continues to build up...

However studies that tell you to “consume” less don’t get the same backing and marketing dollars as studies that hint you can buy a pill, eat a certain food, or purchase a certain supplement and lose weight…

It took a pioneer like Brad to gather all the research. He’s had to fight every step of the way to get the word out.

He battled against the status quo — with people trying to claim silly things like fasting would slow your metabolism. Or you’d lose muscle. Or that it wouldn’t work for women. Yet the evidence is overwhelming...

Using Brad’s specific method of IF actually improves your metabolism, preserves your lean muscle tone, and can be used by ANYONE to improve organ health, reverse signs of aging and achieve your lifelong ideal weight.

What if there was a near "magical" fat burning hormone?...

It may sound too good to be true… but we know that Human Growth Hormone (GH) is such a powerful fat burner that models and athletes actually inject themselves with it...

It acts directly on your fat cells, telling them to release stored fat for energy.

Unfortunately your GH can plummet as you get older if you don’t take measures to prevent it.

However you don’t need expensive injections to enjoy the fat burning effects of GH at any age. In fact...

Research clearly shows Brad’s Eat Stop Eat protocol increases your body’s own GH production by 15x... (Some studies have even shown a boost as high as 2000%!)

Your body is toxic. There’s no getting around it.

You’re exposed each and every day to more than 70,000 industrial chemicals created in the past 100 years.

No matter how “clean” you try to live you can’t avoid toxic exposure. Most of it comes from your food. Plus there’s the toxins you breathe in and that touch your skin…

Together all these chemicals make up what’s called your “toxic load.”

So you can see why expensive detox potions and formulas have become all the rage. We need to do something to unclog our cells of this toxic goop right?

I mean… you may not even realize it anymore — it’s been going on so long — yet these toxins are making you feel sick, ruining your sleep, draining your energy and…

They even increase your weight gain because they clog up your mitochondria — the energy generators that burn calories deep within every cell of your body. So...

Of course we want to clean up the mess. Except the folks selling the detox potions don’t tell you...

Your body already has everything it needs to completely detoxify and cleanse without ANY outside help from fancy herbal formulas, superfood smoothies or cleansing flushes...

In fact your body has a specific process called Autophagy. And it is responsible for repairing damaged and defective organelles, cell membranes and cellular proteins...

Basically it’s your body’s internal ‘cleanup crew’ — it identifies and discards damaged or malfunctioning parts. However...

Constant eating — which is how mainstream dieting recommends you eat — shuts down Autophagy. Especially meals that are high in sugar and protein. The good news is…

The research clearly shows that practicing Eat Stop Eat kicks Autophagy into overdrive so you naturally turn on your cleansing and detoxifying pathways.

And this is the #1 factor in generating a healthy and happy body now and in your future.

Listen: Brad’s not a doctor and neither am I. You need a doc you can trust. And you need to listen to your health care pros. However you can’t deny the potential of Eat Stop Eat to clear out nagging health issues and possibly prevent future problems…

Check out what popular blogger Richard Nikoley experienced:

The fear-mongers try to scare you away from Eat Stop Eat with the silly idea that you’ll somehow lose muscle mass and quality. However that could not be further from the truth. In fact…

As you’ll see in a minute, not only does Eat Stop Eat protect muscle mass when you do it properly… there’s good evidence that it may actually help you build NEW muscle more quickly if that’s your goal. You see...

Your body goes through a very specific process to build muscle. Bear with me because this gets a bit geeky…

  • You create local inflammation with exercise

  • Something called satellite cells react to the inflammation

  • The satellite cells seep into the damaged muscle cells

  • Amino acids (protein) gets pulled into the muscle cells

  • Muscle repair and growth occurs

Now for all this to happen you need to release a precise cocktail of hormones and other biochemical signals. Except…

It’s easy for your body to override this entire muscle growth process. Things like systemic inflammation (throughout your whole body) and hormonal imbalance can make it impossible to grow muscle…

Now here’s the really cool part… Eat Stop Eat can reset the growth process in your body and eliminate the factors that are messing up the conditions you need to grow muscle. Here’s how:

  • Eat Stop Eat lowers chronic inflammation

  • It encourages cell health and detox to prepare for growth

  • It enhances the growth effects of insulin on muscle cells

  • Eat Stop Eat preserves your testosterone levels

  • It massively increases your Growth Hormone

  • And that’s just the most obvious effects...

Listen, Brad used to be a die-hard believer in the “eat-all-the-time” approach to building muscle. Yet his story proves quite the opposite...

More Muscle. Less Hassle

To the right are 3 pics of Brad. The first was taken after 5 months of dieting for his first bodybuilding show. He planned his meals, ate well over 200 grams of protein a day, and did cardio in the morning, weights at lunch, then cardio again at night.

The second picture was taken three years later — after three years of practicing Eat Stop Eat. No more suffering and sacrifice. Eating whatever he wanted most days. And working out just 3 to 4 times per week.

The third picture is 8 years later — March of 2014 — after 5 more years of Eat Stop Eat. By now you can see Brad still maintains impressive muscle and is leaner than ever...

Simply eat your normal evening meal tonight…

Then right after dinner start applying the simple instructions you’ll find in Eat Stop Eat on page 116. Then…

Tomorrow night after your evening meal I want you to answer these questions…

  • Do you feel lighter and have more bounce in your step?

  • Does your digestive system somehow feel cleaner and more healthy?

  • Do you feel more clear headed and alert than usual?

Then — the very next morning — I want you to weigh yourself. Do you weigh 1-3 lbs lighter?

Wait one more week and weigh yourself on the same scale, at the same time of day. Do you see that your weight has dropped another 3-5 lbs?

By now you should also be feeling that each time you use the Eat Stop Eat protocol it gets easier and you feel less and less hungry. In fact hunger will practically lose it’s grip on you entirely, while cravings all but disappear.

And finally — 30 days from now — put on the same clothes you’re wearing today and step in front of the mirror. Do you feel that your clothes are hanging off you? Do you see that your face looks lean and even seems more youthful and brighter?

And do you notice how much more energy you have throughout your entire day? And that you no longer suffer from the “brain fog” you didn’t even realize was holding you down?

Are you excited that there are no forbidden foods. That you can reward yourself with your favorites. And that social eating is a celebration again instead of a burden?

If you answer yes to most of these questions, then Eat Stop Eat is working for you. And you can look forward to a long love affair with this simple yet elegant strategy that is already helping over 54,000 people around the world to live a life free from weight worries and frustrating diets.

On the other hand, Eat Stop Eat “power users” — those folks who’ve gotten the best results and continue to experience vibrant health and optimal weight after years using the system — all share these common qualities…

  • You want a simple strategy you can follow for a lifetime

  • You care as much about your health as about looking great

  • You want control over when to be disciplined and when to indulge

  • You enjoy food with friends and family

  • You want freedom from hunger and food-obsession

  • You want to understand the scientific proof behind the method

  • You want results quickly, and you want to keep them for life!...

If that sounds like you, then Eat Stop Eat is not just “a” great solution for you, it’s the ONLY system that will give you everything you are looking for...