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The 10 benefits of chia seeds

Do you know about chia seeds? These are small seeds native to Mexico, which have many virtues. This staple food of the Aztecs would notably allow us to stay healthy. We tell you everything.

Chia seeds are widely used in Latin America. In Europe, a little less. Yet the benefits of these seeds are significant. We have selected ten for you. After reading this article, you will go get some.

1. Chia seeds are great for the heart

The chia seeds can fight effectively against cardiovascular diseases. Many studies have in fact shown that these small seeds can lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol in the blood and thus prevent blockage of blood vessels. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and potassium, chia seeds therefore contribute to better cardiovascular health.

2. Chia seeds facilitate transit

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, so they are very useful for good transit . Fiber indeed facilitates digestion and helps reduce acidity in the stomach. Are you constipated? The solution may be there.

3. Chia seeds strengthen bones and teeth

Because they are very high in calcium , chia seeds strengthen teeth and bones. Do you want to reduce your consumption of dairy products? Incorporate 100 grams of chia seeds into your daily diet and you will meet 20% of your daily calcium requirement. You will also fight more effectively against the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Chia seeds hydrate the skin

Chia seeds deeply nourish the skin. The proteins present in chia seeds indeed allow the skin to regenerate itself by repairing the tissues. Thanks to omega-3, proteins soften the skin and give it better elasticity. Do you suffer from skin irritations? Chia seeds can be of great help.

5. Chia seeds help with weight loss

A diet based on chia seeds will make you less hungry because they have an impact on your appetite. They have satiating virtues and can be useful for people who suffer from eating disorders. But before embarking on a chia seed diet, seek advice from your doctor.

6. Chia seeds promote sleep

Chia seeds are rich in tryptophan, a lively acid capable of producing serotonin and melatonin . These two hormones will help you relax, regulate your mood, and sleep better. They will also be effective in fighting stress.

7. Chia seeds help prevent certain cancers

Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants . Eating it regularly therefore helps prevent cellular aging and the appearance of certain cancers . On the other hand, health authorities do not recommend chia seeds for people with prostate cancer or at risk, because they contain high levels of alpha-linolenic acid.

8. Chia seeds are great for the brain

It is again because they are composed of 20% omega-3 fatty acids that chia seeds are useful for proper brain function. They make it possible to protect the arteries of the brain and better communication between cells . They therefore promote memory and concentration at the same time.

9. Chia seeds help prevent diabetes

Chia seeds also help regulate blood glucose levels better, slowing the rate at which carbohydrates are digested. They are therefore recommended to prevent diabetes, but also for people with diabetes. For this, it is enough to eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of chia seeds per day.

10. Chia seeds provide better endurance

Chia seeds were used by the Aztecs because they are sources of energy and endurance. They allow you to better assimilate proteins in the body and to stay in shape all day long. We told you that you could not do without it!