Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We are investigating the experiences of people who recently passed away and their caregivers. We are also interested in end-of-life planning and interactions with caregivers. Our overarching aim is to identify solutions to health inequalities at the end of life. 

If you are eligible and you participate in our focus group, you will be paid $200 for your participation in this study. We will pay you by gift card at the end of the discussion session. We will also be provided with a $25 transportation voucher. 

The focus groups for caregivers will be held in person. Once you connect with us, we will coordinate with you based on your availability.

Still unsure if you are eligible? Please reach out to us directly to verify! You can call the research team at (615-343-2636) or email us at

The focus group will take no more than 2 1/2 hours. 

There are no risks to you for participating in this study. 

You can call the research team at (615-343-2636) or email us at

You can also contact us by clicking on the button "Contact Us" below.