Benefits of Sage Sticks, Burning Sage, & Smudging Sage

Sage is one of the herbs from the mint family alongside others like oregano, rosemary and basil. One of the most common uses of sage is in cooking, but this herb can play many other roles as well. Today, many people are interested in smudging, which is the burning sage. But what exactly are the benefits of sage sticks? As smudging continues to gain popularity worldwide, we discuss spiritual and medicinal benefits of sage sticks.

Read full List of Sage Sticks Benefits Here!

8 Sage Sticks Benefits

Dispels Negative Energy & Wellness

One of the main reasons and benefits, why individuals smudge stick, is to dispel negative energy from a space or within the self. If you have been suffering from trauma, negative energy from others or bad memories, burning sage may be helpful to you in your space. This herb can help you establish an environment that enables meditation so you can let go of negative thoughts while setting intentions towards self-improvement.

Therefore, as we list some of the benefits of choosing to smudge sticks in a perfect space is a ritual that can be the beginning of a change in your mindset to promote positivity and healing.

Home Aromatherapy

The sage plant is also used for its aromatherapy benefits. Just the smell of the plant can be grounding for you. This plant is connected to mindfulness, and the act of burning sage sticks is ritualistic. Therefore, the effect of the plant reduces anxiety, allows a clearing train of thoughts, and creates calm in your life. For those who do not truly like the smell of sage, you can use it alongside other aromatic herb such as cedar, lavender, thyme, rosemary and yerba santa. Just like sage, these aromatic plants have relaxing aromas that can help your brain and improve your body function after stressful occurrences. It may be the time for a little smudge stick if lately you have been feeling stressed by the turn of events in your life.

Help for Better Quality Sleep

Other benefits and thanks to the healing properties of sage, this herb can improve your sleep. Since smudging with sage traditionally helps eradicate negativity that may interfere with your sleep, it can help promote better sleep. Also, research has shown that sage may contain elements that could help ease the symptoms of insomnia. For instance, white sage and classic garden sage can be burned to soothe anxiety and improve sleep quality. Therefore, if you are struggling with sleep and you have tried different remedies without success, this may be an excellent place to start.

Relieves Symptoms of Different Conditions

Smudging is another benefits can help clearing the air and make it cleaner for our lungs. However, the power of the sage plant does not stop there. Also this plant is believed to help neutralize positive ions while releasing the negative ones. This means that positive ions, including pet dander, dust and mold can be neutralized by the sage plant. This means that this plant could have a positive effect on those suffering from allergies, bronchitis and also other respiratory issues.

However, it may not be a good idea to smudge stick when people with respiratory issues are in the room. If they inhale the smoke, it may aggregate their symptoms instead of relieving them. In such cases, you should wait until clearing of the smoke to go out to go into the room.

Connects You to the Spiritual World

Apart from its user in cooking, other benefits of this herb has been used to establish a connection to the spiritual realm since time immemorial. Also in traditional cultures, people used sage to reflect on their spiritual dilemmas and to achieve a state conducive for healing.

Scientifically, some types of sage such as salvia and also white prairie sage contain the compound thujone which is psychoactive and can help enhance intuition. Therefore, sage also keeps you spiritually healthy.

Empowers and Cleanses Specific Objects

Smudging produces fragrant smoke that individuals used for smudging themselves and their spaces. Also, you can smudge specific items such as gifts, items you bought or anything you feel has negative energy. By smudging, the items can become sacred to you, and it helps give you peace of mind.

Help to Improve Mood and Alleviate Stress

Some types of sage such as white prairie sage (estafiate) were traditionally used to treat depression, anxiety and mood disorders. As such, a person feels that smudging can lift their spirits and banish negativity for a better mood.

Some people says that burning sage also helps you release stress. For instance, according to a study done by the University of Mississippi in 2016, white sage string contains compounds that activate brain receptors that are responsible for reducing stress, elevating mood and reducing pain.

Help to Boost Cognition and Energy Space Levels

Also if you need to improve your focus and memory, smudging of sage is your go-to plant. Studies show that the smudging of sage plant can be used in treating Alzheimer’s and dementia. However, research is still being done to figure out other ways the plant can be used in treatment.

Additionally, as sage rid a space of negative energy, it creates room for more space for positive energy and at higher levels. In this way, sage can help reenergize you and rid the body of fatigue.

It is not just the white prairie sage that is good for its energy-boosting and anti-fatigue properties. Species related to it do work the same way.

The Best Sage to Burn and Where to Find It

There is a variety of smudging of sage species available today. However, the most popular like one among herbalists and healers is the smudging of white sage. Other types of sage bundle include black sage, desert sage, blue sage, lavender sage, and common sage. Like each of these types has unique qualities of smudging. For instance, smudging of desert sage is suitable for purification and protection, and smudging of blue sage is ideal for cleansing and healing. If you find yourself overcome by the smell of the herb, you can resort to other herb such as sweetgrass or juniper as these can serve the same purposes as smudging sage.

It is possible to find burning sage in the backyard, but if you do not, there are different options for acquiring it. The common practice is to grow it in your backyard or garden and let it dry for approximately seven days before using it. You know it is good enough when it crackles when you squeeze the bundle. As the plant grows, trim it and do not cut stems or pull out the entire root as the plant may die.

If you are unable to acquire it at home for your feng shui, you can buy it from farmer’s markets, health food stores, spruce, or on the internet. Wherever you find it, it is a common practice to ensure that the herb was harvested sustainably and that it does not have other herbs in the bundle. Therefore, buying from a trusted seller is crucial.

At Crystalis, we understand that you need only the best quality sage for your activities. We help you create that spiritual vibe by selling high-quality sage sticks. Our service is topnotch, and our store offers convenient service that you will enjoy. Our bundles are made of only sage because we understand that mixing these herbs may interfere with the intended result.

Read How to Burn Sage

Many people says and who believe in feng shui practice are surprised that the smudging and smell of burning sage is not as it is when used in stuffing. However, in this guide the first thing you will notice is that it smells differently. Sage as many people says it is herbaceous and smells astringent and woodsy.

In this guide, you can use a burning sage stick that is 3 to 5 inches long in your handbag for when you will need it. This size is also great for a small room and can be great for beginners who feel they may be overcome by smoke as they begin to used sage. However, if you usually burn incense, you will comfortably fit into burning sage as this provides a good head start.

Continuing this guide, use a heat-proof bowl to hold the burning sage and light the end of your bundle when you are ready. It is common practice to spread out your flame evenly and wait until the flame goes out on its own or blow it out after some seconds. You can repeat your intentions throughout the burning sage process as you would repeat a prayer.

If you believe in feng shui practice and intend to rid your space of negative energy, you can carry your burning sage bundle into different rooms in the house in your bowl or carry the bundle in your hand at a safe distance. As you move through the feng shui rooms, visualize yourself banishing the negative power as this helps with concentration. Ensure that you put out any sticks when you are done and not to leave the sticks unattended to avoid any risk of fire. After all, it would be impossible to relax if your space catches fire unexpectedly.

Burning sage is an ancient practice that has permeated different cultures. This feng shui practice could be the beginning of a change in your life, and the benefits are tremendous if you are looking for positivity or trying to transition through a phase in your life. Whichever way you look at it, burning sage can be useful for your mental wellbeing as discussed above. Ensure that you buy your sage for your wellness from a trusted source such as Crystalis and take precaution as you burn it to avoid any unnecessary emergencies such as an accidental fire.