Support Research While Making Cash

Do you enjoy helping others while making extra cash at the same time?If so, then consider becoming a paid participant with Healing Biome! Participants are needed for the research that Healing Biome conducts and they will be compensated for their time. We will provide info about ongoing opportunities below. 

        Healing Biome FAQs

Q. How are research topics selected?

A. Topics are selected according to determined needs and requests from funders.

Q. Is all of your research digestive health related?

A. No, we conduct research pertaining to other topics as well.

Q. How is research funded?

A. Crowdfunding and grant funding. 

Q. Is my participation confidential?

A. Yes! Personal identifying info is kept private unless otherwise stated.

Q. What is the time frame of each project?

A. This varies per project. Some projects continue indefinitely as long as funding is available while others only last a short period. You will be informed about this before participating.

Q. Can I withdraw my participation at anytime?

A. Yes, just notify us.

Q. How much can I earn?

A. Payment varies per project. Check each one for details.

Q. When is payment sent?

A. Generally, payment is sent within one week of your participation unless otherwise stated.

Q. How is payment sent?

A. PayPal, Cash App, or

 Ongoing Paid Opportunities

Digestive Health Education Program (DHEP)


The purpose of this program is to give female college medical students an opportunity to conduct digestive health research to help them gain experience for their future careers. During this program, students will learn how to analyze the connection between diet and digestive health by evaluating the diets and stool types of participants according to the Bristol Stool Chart.


We are accepting participants for this program to submit quick surveys that the students will use to do their research. Each participant will be assigned to a student and participants will be compensated for each survey they complete. 


$2/survey. Surveys may be submitted once daily Mon-Fri of every week and you may only submit them on days when you have a bowel movement. This means that $10 can be earned for every 5 surveys completed. 20 surveys will earn you $40 and 40 surveys will earn you $80 and so on. Each student may take part for up to 60 days which means that you can earn $120 per student. Please keep in mind that only one student will be assigned to you at a time. 

We will keep track of your earnings as you take part. Once 10 surveys ($20 earned) have been completed you may request a payout, but you may wait longer for your funds to accumulate before a payout if you so desire.

*Special note: In some cases a student may enroll in the program and then they become inactive while payments continue. If a student is inactive for 1 week then they are officially listed as "inactive". These students will usually be reassigned to another participant who will remain on stand-by for the student if they become active again or officially disenroll. These participants will still get paid $2 for each day they have a bowel movement for remaining on stand-by while the student is inactive since these are missed opportunities for surveys for the student. A special survey will be completed by participants to confirm the days they had bowel movements each day for inactive students that is shorter than the regular survey. If the student returns then they will have access to these shortened surveys which can still be used for their learning experience.

 It is common for new participants to be assigned an inactive student. Being assigned an inactive student means less work for participants with the same amount of pay per day due to the shortened surveys. These students are automatically disenrolled after 25 days of inactivity which means that you can still earn $50/student who remains inactive for the length of their time in the program. If the student becomes active before 25 days then they can continue submitting surveys with their new participant. 

Students have the option to disenroll at any time while in the program whether they are active or inactive. Students may participate for up to 60 days but this is not a requirement. It is not uncommon for students to disenroll before the 60 days are up simply because they believe that they have gained a sufficient experience for their educational needs.


Age 21+ women who are Black, Hispanic, or Asian.


Please complete the application below to apply. Afterwards you will be contacted with more info if you qualify.

Digestive Health Survey


The purpose of this survey is to determine the connection between diet and digestive health. 


1, Complete this application form:

2. If you are eligible then you will be emailed the survey to complete.


You will receive $5 within one month of completing the survey.


Must be a woman of Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Middle Eastern background between the ages of 21 and 50.

DANA Trials


Would you like to assist the development of software that improves health and quality of life while getting paid? If so, then please consider helping us train DANA! DANA (Digestive Health and Nutrition Analyzer) is an artificial intelligence platform designed to analyze digestive health based on surveys and stool pics. Yes, you read that correctly! The shape, color, and overall appearance of your stool reveals a lot about your health. DANA will be used to assist people learn about the state of their health and she can make suggestions based on the info received. For example, DANA can be used to determine whether you are drinking enough water, are constipated due to stress, figure out which foods caused your gas, or send a list of diet recommendations based on your results. What makes DANA especially unique is that she exclusively uses data from women of color to develop her intelligence. This means that she is tailored to serve this population. 

DANA needs data to develop and this is why we're asking participants to submit surveys and photos to her. Your participation is private, so no one will know that you're taking part, and no information will be shared with anyone outside of the research.

Here is a link that provides information about a similar AI platform that was developed:


Participants are being asked to take part in 5 day trials with DANA. Each day you will be asked to submit photos of up to 3 different stools you produce and 1 survey before 11:59pm. The 5 days don't have to be consecutive. For example, let's say you start on a Monday but then on Tuesday you don't produce any stool. In this case, you would not participate on Tuesday and you can continue on Wednesday if you produce stool that day. Monday would count as day 1 and Wednesday will count as day 2. These trials are repetitive which means that you may be asked to take part multiple times and you'll get paid each time.

To use DANA, complete the preliminary form below. If you're eligible, you'll be emailed further instructions.

Tips for Photos:


Submissions may be disqualified for the following reasons:





DANA applies a $1 bonus per photo for select participants and a $1 daily bonus for select participants. There is a daily limit of 3 photos and participation is limited to Mon-Sat. Those who submit 3 photos daily can earn up to $8 per day or $40/trial. (Please note that DANA is updated on Sundays, so photos that are sent on that day will not be accepted.) 

Additionally, you may be asked to take part in additional paid opportunities with DANA. The payment for these opportunities varies, but it will increase the amount you earn each day you take part. You may also be asked to take part in a special trials with DANA instead of the 5 day trials. Instructions and payment for these special trials may be different from what is listed above.

You're going to go anyways, so why not get paid for it? In fact, you lose money each time you go due to water and toilet paper being used. Turn your daily routine into daily income for a worthy cause today!

Impact of Pain on Patients & Practitioners Project (or Pain Impact Project) *Limited Availability

Purpose:  Procedures conducted by medical practitioners in hospitals and clinics may cause pain to patients (getting shots, surgeries, etc.). These experiences can cause patients to subconsciously associate pain with medical staff, which may cause patients to develop negative feelings towards these practitioners. This project seeks to mock practitioner-patient interactions to better understand the thought patterns and behavior of practitioners and patients during pain inducing interactions. Below are a list of questions this projects seeks to answer.

Benefit: This project will assist in developing methods to enhance the care patients receive by medical staff. 


An individual has been selected to serve as a mock patient. This patient has been provided with a pain stimulating device as well as an EEG cap that will be used to measure brain waves. Both devices have been approved for safe use for this project, the patient has been informed of any possible risks associated with the project, and the patient has signed a liability waiver. The risk of any serious harm to the patient is low. The patient will experience mild temporary pain to their abdomen when their device is triggered. The patient is free to end their participation at anytime, the patient has conducted numerous trials so far without issue. (Please see the note from the mock patient below.)

Participants are currently being accepted to serve as mock medical practitioners. They are responsible for triggering mock treatments that induce pain for the patient. Participants will administer treatments by completing trials for sub-projects. A sub-project is a project that is connected to the Pain Impact Project via its funding source and goals. There are two reasons why this was decided. 

One of the sub-projects that is available is a driving study. Participants will trigger a treatment to occur for the patient by completing a trial for this study. Once the participant has finished the activity, we will activate the pain stimulating device remotely for the patient. The patient's EEG cap will measure their brain waves as the device is triggered. The pain stimulator and the EEG will be worn by the patient throughout their day.



Varies per trial. Bonuses may be applied as well.

To apply, complete the application below and you'll be emailed with further instructions.

Note from Mock Patient (Identifying information about patient was excluded to protect confidentiality) :

Hello everyone! I am acting as a mock patient for the Pain Impact Project. I was very intrigued when Kristina asked me to participate in this project because I have worked in the medical field and know that pain management is an important concern. I'm participating because I hope that I can make a difference for others. I was concerned that the pain from the device might be bad, but its not as bad as I thought it would be. Its similar to stomach cramps. In addition to helping others, you'll be helping me too since I am compensated for each trial as well!