Given that the Fascist dictatorship drove one million men, women, and children prematurely to their graves, how can this be? Over the years, I have made a number of attempts to answer this question. In a manner that an Italian (leftist) friend has assured me is against the tide (controcorrente), I have raised three issues.

Until 7 May 2023, Palazzo Albergati in Bologna is hosting the most provocative, non-conformist and revolutionary works of our time: the exhibition Jago, Banksy, TvBoy e altre storie controcorrente (Jago, Banksy, TvBoy and other stories against the tide) proposes an exhibition that revolves around the three most discussed and loved artists of recent years.

The Time And Tide - Controcorrente Sub Download


An exhibition that, through the display of 60 masterpieces, tells some of the most extreme and transgressive stories of Italian and international public art, through the dialogue between the mysterious English artist and the most influential Italian artists of the moment, offering an exhaustive and provocative panorama of the art of our time.

The leadership of a working-class socialist party should therefore submit to the annual congress, for its approval, a financial report and balance sheet, which clearly details how much money was raised by the organisation and what it was spent on, specifying exactly what percentage of that money came from the bourgeois state if the party participates in the electoral process and has representatives in parliament, state legislatures and city councils. The party leadership should also submit to the annual congress, for its approval, a list of the full-timers, specifying the amount of their rent and making it clear to its members that living without a job does not exalt them but rather degrades and lumpenises them, fomenting paranoia and intrigues, as well as their eventual co-optation by the state.

A socialist party should regularly incorporate wage workers into its ranks and encourage them to become leadership members. When it intervenes in multi-class movements against different forms of oppression (against women, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, etc.), the party should clearly distinguish between the social classes that comprise them and use every possible means to independently organise the workers within them. It should also regularly discuss, publicly as far as possible, the difficulties that the members encounter in the application of the political line in their respective fronts, and not waste its time arguing with organisations without any real impact on the labour movement. Its members should be active in one or at most two fronts at any one time, in order to allow them to carry out serious and systematic work in them, and it should under no circumstances set militancy criteria so hyperactive that they prevent its members from having a regular work and family life, including finishing their studies and learning a trade.

Historical Materialism is a Marxist journal, appearing 4 times a year, based in London. Founded in 1997 it asserts that, not withstanding the variety of its practical and theoretical articulations, Marxism constitutes the most fertile conceptual framework for analysing social phenomena, with an eye to their overhaul. In our selection of material we do not favour any one tendency, tradition or variant. Marx demanded the 'Merciless criticism of everything that exists': for us that includes Marxism itself.

A person resists against the tide.

Ā Standing immersed up to half of the femurs in the river water. This is a project about courage, born from an internal image and destined to become a video work shot in 16mm, with a soundtrack.

This is a work about punishment and sacrifice. From 1999 to 2006, I took over 30 images featuring self-portraits of part of my body. The Body Pieces show sections of my body with handwritten calendars on them. I wrote the numbers and letters on my stomach myself; legs, neck, face, feet, using a black ink pen. The numbers and capital letters indicate the Italian names of the days of the week. They are written in vertical rows, immediately after a swim in a Milanese swimming pool.

Ā Sometimes I protect a part of my body with a white bandage before writing directly on my skin. To take self-portraits of body sections, you need to hold the acrobatic posture for about 3 minutes.

I believe that Matthias is alive, free and unburdened and happy, beyond all the troubles that plagued him during his lifetime, but with all the beauty and joy he experienced in life - and with the laughter with which he so often infected us.

Matthias was with us from the beginning of We Are Church. At that time, he was in his early 30s, worked for Siemens and flew around the world on business. He was an important part of our Vienna group and was also present at all events throughout Austria, always including our summer days, where we were able to get to know him better. In 2014 he was elected 2nd chairman of WsK and from then on he was a regular at our board meetings.

In the meantime he was no longer with Siemens and wrote on an adventurous PhD thesis. As far as I understood, his research question was how to bring psychoanalysis and artificial intelligence together, that is, in my completely abbreviated understanding, how to bring Freud into the computer. He spent years doing basic research on that: How do concepts arise? What is a helpful terminology for feelings? Can they be operationalized so that they are unambiguous? How could they then be broken down into small units of information without distorting them? In the process, he experienced many, many setbacks, developed programs himself, which were then overwhelmed again at some point, and so on. His sister Christine told that he, however, still recently reported a breakthrough. How to wish him that! And how it would be to be wished above all, if someone would start now to the continuation of his research...

Despite all this work, he always made time for us. He contributed creative ideas and wrote texts. He was, as Harald described it, a lateral thinker who often challenged us. But his inventive mind didn't stop him from being meticulous, even on such dry matters as the bylaws. He was something like our legal counsel, and in matters of statutes we could simply rely on him.

In 1995, despite the revocation of his office as Bishop of Evreux, Jacques Gaillot remained an active member of the Catholic Church. A tireless apostle of Christ, he has magnified his function as bishop of Partenia by resurrecting the diocese lost in the sands. In 2015, his fraternal meeting with Pope Francis, who put an end to his canonical relegation, did him justice. We know that Jacques Gaillot was sanctioned for his freedom of speech so far from the official right thinking, and for having created a supposed division inside his diocesan community. It should be remembered that Christ was certainly not easy to follow either, since, for example, he spoke to the Samaritan woman or affirmed a Sabbath made for man and not man for the Sabbath, acts which certainly shocked the society of his time.

Vito Nocera in these days has used for Vittorio words that seemed very apt: "His was a tolerant, inclusive radicalism. To an absolute rigor he combined an innate common sense". This is how I met him too, in the many meetings in which he always said and defended his thoughts, but without ever letting himself go to the angry reaction and even less to lapse into personal attack, even when he was the object of ungenerous or unjustified criticism; it was consistent, but not intransigent; Heseemed to go against the tide, but with meekness. And it struck me that on April 12 Jacques Gaillot also died, the courageous and humble bishop of Evreux removed in 1995 whom Vittorio himself had invited to Milan and hosted at home.

Because of Corona, that darn Corona, we haven't seen each other in person for some time. But whenever he was present at our Zoom conferences, I had the impression that his life was becoming increasingly burdensome. All restrictions have stopped for him now. be457b7860

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