Head To Therapy

Understanding Physical Therapy

The definition of physical therapy was established after WWII, and the discipline was consolidated and professionalized shortly after that. In 1958, the World Health Organization defined it as the science of treating people through physical means, therapeutic exercise, massage therapy, and electrotherapy. Also, therapy includes the application of electrical and manual tests.

Tests determine how each person has been affected, including their functional capacities, joint movement, and so on. Subsequently, experts define physical therapy as an art and science, one that, through the combination of various methods, actions, and techniques, can help those affected by somatic, psychosomatic and organic dysfunctions. Therapy also has a preventive nature and can be recommended for people who wish to maintain an adequate level of health. Therefore, therapy could be defined as a healing method using natural means (water, light, electricity), or mechanical, such as massage or gymnastics.

What is a therapist?

In many cases, the physical therapist is identified as a person who is dedicated to treating muscular ailments and injuries; however, therapy is a recognized profession and covers a set of therapeutic techniques that go beyond massage therapy and muscle treatment. It is a multidisciplinary profession that can work in different fields of medicine, such as traumatology, neurology, pediatrics, cardiology, dermatology, geriatrics or mental health. According to the WHO, a physical therapist is qualified to:

Perform an examination and a comprehensive evaluation of the patient.

Evaluate the results of the examination or diagnosis and make clinical judgments.

Determine when patients should be referred to another health professional.

Implement an intervention or treatment program.

Determine the result of the treatment.

Make recommendations for self-care.

Physical therapists work in hospitals, nursing homes, research centers or clinics, both in primary care and in specialized medicine; Also, they can also practice their profession freely in day centers, sports clubs, health associations, gyms or through home care. Which physical therapy options interest you?

Benefits of physical therapy for health

The techniques, exercises, and methods used in therapy intervene positively in the patient's health in several ways. There are numerous ways that therapy can benefit you but the main one focuses on fighting symptoms. The techniques used by therapists act against pain and inflammation in muscle and joint injuries; Also, it helps fight some diseases, such as those of the skin (acne, psoriasis, and jaundice).

Many of the exercises used in therapy are intended to re-educate postural behaviors and improve the body to prevent future diseases and discomfort in people at risk due to specific factors, such as spinal deformities. People who head to therapy see a vast improvement. Visit ReachPTNYC.com for more details.