Headless, as the name suggests, means a Web Browser without a User Interface. Headless browser testing increases the efficiency of testing your web applications and provides ease of testing those apps. Let us learn what a headless browser is, its advantages, and why headless browser testing is essential.

Developers have been using UI-driven testing to ensure the proper working of their programs for quite some time now. However, there are many problems with UI-driven testing. The biggest of them is stability. Sometimes UI-driven testing will fail to interact with the browser. The other problem is the prolonged performance that you will encounter. The answer to this problem is headless browser testing.

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Depending on your testing goals, you can choose headless browser testing for your project. It is not resource-intensive, has scripted automation, is relatively weightless, and allows rapid execution. Moreover, you can write a UI test and integrate it with the build process instead of checking each of them manually, giving you better results.

This was just the tip of the iceberg, and many more use-cases exist. However, you should know that headless browser testing has its usage, whereas normal testing has its own. Use the combination of the two to ensure you get the best of both worlds.

tag_hash_107Selenium is a free and open-source tool that is great for automation. It supports various browsers that run on different operating systems. Selenium web driver delivers enhanced support to dynamic web pages, and using Selenium headless can deliver great results. Moreover, you can use either Headless Chrome or Headless Firefox to execute the headless browser Selenium.

Playwright, for automating several browsers, has a high level of APIs. Before you set up Playwright for headless browser testing, ensure you have the latest versions of Node.JS and npm on your system. Create a package for this project using the command.

Puppeteer is undoubtedly one of the most popular headless frameworks out there. Similar to Playwright it comes with its own browser profile. Create a script to navigate to your test website by using the following code:

Headless Browser Testing is a faster, more reliable, and more efficient way of testing your web applications on a browser. However, a real desktop browser provides a real representation of your website when you are using it for testing. So, you can switch between real and headless browsers depending on the use and scenario for better results.

Headless browsers provide automated control of a web page in an environment similar to popular web browsers, but they are executed via a command-line interface or using network communication. They are particularly useful for testing web pages as they are able to render and understand HTML the same way a browser would, including styling elements such as page layout, colour, font selection and execution of JavaScript and Ajax which are usually not available when using other testing methods.[1]

However, a study of browser traffic in 2018 found no preference by malicious actors for headless browsers.[3] There is no indication that headless browsers are used more frequently than non-headless browsers for malicious purposes, like DDoS attacks, SQL injections or cross-site scripting attacks

Another approach is to use software that provides browser APIs. For example, Deno provides browser APIs as part of its design. For Node.js, jsdom[17] is the most complete provider. While most are able to support common browser features (HTML parsing, cookies, XHR, some JavaScript, etc.), they do not render the DOM and have limited support for DOM events. They usually perform faster than full browsers, but are unable to correctly interpret many popular websites.[18][19][20]

How do you know if the user interface (UI) of a website you're developing works as it should and the site as a whole delivers the optimal user experience (UX)? Headless browsers give you a fast, lightweight way to automate high-level actions and get an idea of how well your site operates in common scenarios.

Many headless options are available, including headless versions of popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox and tools to simulate several different browsers. Familiarize yourself with the benefits of headless testing, and learn more about the possibilities available so that you can select the best browsers to use for web development and testing.

Headless browsing may seem like an odd term, but it's simply a name for a browser or browser simulation without the recognizable graphical interface. Instead of testing a site or performing common actions using familiar graphical elements, use cases are automated and tested with a command-line interface.

What use cases should you test with headless browsers? Consider the most frequent actions users may take on any given page. Each point at which a user types, clicks or otherwise interacts with on-page elements is a point at which something could go wrong, and you're better off finding out about and fixing problems in the testing stage than discovering glitches weeks or even months later when complaints come pouring in.

Keep this in mind as you evaluate popular headless browsers. You want a lightweight solution with very little draw on resources so that you can run it in the background without slowing down development work, but the same solution must allow you to execute every test necessary to simulate the expected actions of target users.

Not all headless browsers are suited for the same testing scenarios, so you may have to try several different options to find the right combination of tools for your development needs. Take a look at these six popular choices for web developers.

With the launch of version 56 of Firefox, Mozilla began offering support for headless testing. Instead of using other tools to simulate browser environments, developers can now connect several different APIs to run Firefox in headless mode and test a variety of use cases.

Many developers appear to prefer Selenium as an API for headless Firefox testing and automation, but you can use the option with which you're most comfortable with for scripting and running basic unit tests.

With all the potential interactions a user can have on a modern website, using Firefox headless to drill down to individual elements is a helpful part of the development process. Whereas a user may encounter a problem as part of a complex flow and become frustrated trying to identify and report what went wrong, you can use Firefox in headless mode to work out the kinks of each individual interaction in a flow.

Developers familiar with Chrome can launch version 59 or later in headless mode to utilize all the possibilities afforded by Chromium and the Blink rendering engine. This lightweight, memory-sparing headless browser gives you the tools to:

Navigation is an especially important part of modern website environments and is becoming even more critical with the continued increase in mobile users. Try headless Chrome when you want to make sure users can move easily throughout a site. Collect reports and images of how the site responds, and use this information to make changes to improve the UI.

Complexity is commonplace in the modern internet landscape, and PhantomJS is built to handle it all using basic command line testing. This headless WebKit is scriptable via the JavaScript API and uses CasperJS to handle testing. Capable of simulating full navigation scenarios, PhantomJS can reveal all the places where a user may encounter errors while browsing.

Support for multiple web standards makes PhantomJS flexible and highly capable. Page automation, network monitoring, and other important features allow you to simulate everything from the most basic user interactions to flows containing multiple inputs. Use this headless option for:

Zombie.js is another lightweight framework used to test client side JavaScript in a simulated environment without a browser. The current version of Zombie (Zombie 5.x) is tested to work with Node.js versions 4-6.

Zombie JS also provides a set of assertions that you can access directly from the browser object. For example, an assertion can be used to check if a page loaded successfully. Apart from assertions, Zombie JS offers methods to handle cookies, tabs, authentication, and more.

The tool's ability to simulate several different browsers expands its functionality even more. Using HtmlUnit, you can create scripted use cases in Chrome, Firefox 38 and later, Edge, and IE8 and IE11. This covers a significant number of new and legacy browsers, helping to ensure every user has a superior experience once a site goes live.

In the documentation for Splash, the headless browser is hailed as being lightweight and offering a variety of features to developers. This "JavaScript rendering service" operates with an HTTP API, implemented in Python 3 using Twisted and QT5.

Splash provides rendering information in the HAR format and also allows you to take screenshots of results. This headless browser may also be integrated with Scrapy in scenarios where you need or want to scrape code from other websites. Thanks to its versatility, Splash is a useful tool for developers seeking a "jack of all trades" for their testing toolkits.

These browsers represent just a few of the testing environments available to developers. That being said, by taking the first 5 headless browsers mentioned in this post and comparing them with Google Trends, it's obvious that PhantomJS is still one of the most popular headless browser tools.

Since there is a variety to choose from, you can try out more than one for different use cases and determine which works best to test particular scenarios. From simple interactions to fully automated flows, headless browsers provide the framework you need to optimize UI and UX in each site you develop.

Sorry, in order to get the tests to work with this code setup, you need to put this code back inside the root of the test suite (as per the instructions in the initial zombie setup challenge): -assurance/quality-assurance-and-testing-with-chai/simulate-actions-using-a-headless-browser 2351a5e196

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