Privacy Policy

No user data is collected. Ever.

No account, no email, no login.

No advertisements.

This app does not collect, use, save or have access to any of your personal data

There is no shared data between this app or any third-party organisations/SDKs/analytical tools/government organisations/ or any of the like.

In case the app experiences an error, a crash report may be sent to the developer. This report does not contain any personal data and does not allow me to contact you.

Game Center

Logging in via Apple's Gamecenter is not a requirement to enjoy the simulator. It will stop asking to login after 3 attempts. In any case no user data is collected by the app.

Other users may see your Gamecenter name in the leaderboard. You can not delete a leaderboard entry. However changing your name in Gamecenter will cause it to update in the leaderboards as well.

Contact information