Junilu Lacar wrote:There are certain basic things you should know before you attempt to write programs in any language.


 1. How to navigate around the file system on a Mac in Finder

 2. How to navigate around the file system on a Mac in Terminal

 3. How to edit and save text files on a Mac


 Learn how to do these basic operations first.


 Also, you can easily find all of the above through search engines like Google. As you can see from those links, it's really as easy as typing in whatever question you have in plain English.

Should I bother writing each and every code piece from Head First Java while I go through it? Is understanding the concepts enough for now? If I start writing all code, I cannot possibly finish 10 pages a day (especially after the first 100 pages when that Simple dot com game thing appears).

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From my understanding, the first While loop will run through 6 times (from x==0 to x==5). The y variable, and in turn 'ivar', will have a value of 1,000,000 (I think this is where I'm going wrong, but I'll continue in hopes of being corrected).

I replaced the code in the first few lines of the GuessGame code to the following, and re-compiled it, and everything still seemed to work satisfactorily, so I am not sure why the extra code lines included in the Head First Java text were deemed necessary. 


 public class GuessGame { public void startGame() { Player p1 = new Player(); Player p2 = new Player(); Player p3 = new Player(); int guessp1 = 0 // code continues as before from here

Paulius Kukulskis wrote:Hi there! This is the first time I am writing here. Just bought a Head First Java book with an intention to become a programmer. And guess what? My illusions started leaving me on the first puzzle in the book. I just couldnt solve it. I mean I could get the answer but I am not able to find a solution. I feel so destroyed. Are there any methodoly to solve these puzzles or this is the indication that programmer's path is not for me?? I would really appreciate if somebody more experienced could reply to this post. 


 Thanks for your help.



The first half of the book is definitely great, hands down. They explained the concepts in a straight-forward fashion through pictures and stories. As a developer who built a J2EE web app in the wrong way as a way of diving in, I found the book really helpful in patching up some of the holes in my knowledge of J2EE. Most of the questions I find myself asking when I was still starting out was answered by the first half of the book.

I'm still on the process of reading the book right now, but I'm now under the impression that the book was rushed, because the book failed to explain the topics clearly that I can't piece everything in my head together now. This dilemma led me to ask this question.

I have read both Head First Java and Head First Design Patterns. The style used is indeed unique, and is something of a love/hate for most people. What everyone should, in my opinion realize, is that these kind of books make things very clear and simple, but at a cost. The cost is the overhead that this way of explaining things imposes. Things are explained over and over again, with multiple examples and metaphores. It is a significant overhead, that does not let you dive immediately into the core of the problem.

If you find errors in the textbook or any of our course documents, please report them via the Bug Reports discussion forum on ANGEL. We will give a small number of extra credit points to the first person to report a given bug. The number of points will depend on the severity and subtlety of the bug that you report. We recommend that you subscribe to that discussion forum. (You can do that using the Communications tab in ANGEL.) 006ab0faaa

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