I'm hoping I can get some solid advice here.. I've been searching the Joomla documentation on this topic, but couldn't find it, or I was looking in the wrong places. I'm building a Joomla component, which does quite a lot of heavy lifting (retrieving JSON from an external API). Therefore, I'd like to load most of the component's views using AJAX, asynchronous from the main site. The component also has some views which I'd like to load in certain module positions (e.g. in a sidebar on the right of the page). To achieve this, I've created a Custom HTML module that performs an AJAX call, which, most importantly, adds 'format=raw' to the GET parameters of the request. This triggers Joomla to only return the component output HTML, and not the whole page (which is what you would receive without format=raw).And here is my problem: the component also tries to load a bit of its own CSS and JavaScript. This is done the regular way, via:$document = JFactory::getDocument();


$document->addStylesheet(..stylesheets..);But because of the 'raw' component output, nothing is done with these additional script declarations! They obviously do not end up in the of the document, because the page has already been rendered. Is there a way to make Joomla still include the CSS and JavaScript files while also rendering only the raw component HTML? Some expert advice would be most welcome! I have looked at the following options:1. Include the scripts and CSS into the template that I'm using, to make sure they are already loaded when I load the rest of the component via AJAX. This can be OK, but it ties the component to the template which is being used.. It sounds to me like my only real option, but I'm still hoping for a more elegant way to handle this :).2. Instead of 'format=raw', use 'tmpl=bare' and create (again, inside the template, not the component..) a new 'bare' template that loads only the head and the component, like so:

 This also works, but has an annoying disadvantage that I get all kind of other tags in the middle of my HTML (, , , ), which is not valid HTML anymore.. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for your time! I can provide more detailed code examples and a link to the site if someone cares to have a look.Kind regards,


The template I'm working on is a dual theme Desktop/Mobile, UA Sniffing based.Now I just added responsiveness through enquire.js and ajax and everithing changed: I'm struggling in getting things to work properly, is the first time I'm dealing with ajax.

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My template is dynamically loaded through ajax in fact if you try to resize the width of the window below 1080px, the mobile template will show up. (it will show up on every mobile device too but this is not important for us atm)

So you have to prepare a header.php that must contain a wp_head() call that thanks to our conditional scripts enqueuing, will put on head only mobile scripts and styles.Than you have to prepare a homepage-mobile.php containing the output for mobile devices and a file footer-mobile.php where put the footer for mobile devices that have to contain the wp_footer() call.

In this way if the template is included from an ajax request it output nothing. Note that header.php have to end with the body tag open, so everithing is part of body go after header.php and is outputted on ajax call.We added a class 'desktop' to our body that will be useful later.

Everytime resolution change from 1080+ to 1080- and viceversa the script search the value in a cache variable. If nothing is found send an ajax call to the current url e.g. and pass some data: skip_server_check that makes our class not run wp_is_mobile on init; and a variable template setted to desktop or mobile that tells our template file to load (in case of home page) homepage-desktop.php or homepage-mobile.php respectively.

As we already know, being an ajax request, even if get_header() and get_footer() will be called, the template output only the body content. This body content is putted between and using jQuery.html().

After retrieving via ajax, the html output is stored in the cache variabe, so ajax is runned only one time. Also note that on document ready (because by default we load the desktop templates) the cache variable for desktop is filled with the current html content of body.

Moja kolejna ksika z serii ''Head first ...'' (trzecia), jak zwykle nie zawiodem si na tym tytule. Nie komentuje w ogle ksiek na helionie, ale HF zasuguj na komentarz (prawdopodobnie wszyscy).Sama ksika jest ciekawa, dobrze wytumaczona. Trzeba zaznaczy e podstawy HTML'a wystarcz aby j zrozumie, poniewa troszk o htmlu jest wspomniane, duo tumacze do Javascriptu, co potem obraca sie w Ajaxa.Jeli kto zaczyna Ajaxa polecam, jeli kto zaczyna Javascript polecam, jeli ktos umie JS bardzo dobrze i chciaby nauczy si ajaxa to nie polecam, jeli kto wykonywa w ajaxie jakie rednie aplikacje to tez nie polecam.

To byo moje 3 podejcie do Ajaxa i ksika ta w porwnaniu z innymi jest warta polecenia dla kadego kto nie ma zielonego pojcia o Ajaxie natomiast bez problemu operuje html, css i php.Jest ona do specyficzna duo obrazkw, strzaek i cige powtarzanie tego samego, a do znudzenia na rne sposoby. Trzeba si do tego przyzwyczai i potem nawet to nie drani. Ksika ta ma jeden wielki mankament. Autorzy w pierwszym rozdziale zrobili wszystko by zniechci do dalszego czytania swojej ksiki - opisali przykad wykorzystania ajaxa zarzucajc czytelnika kodem w wyjanieniu natomiast cigle byy uwagi w stylu - "nie musisz tego teraz zrozumie potem to wyjanimy" i tak prze kilka adnych stron. Osobicie polecam zacz czyta j od strony 73 od rozdziau 2. Polecam mimo wszystko.

Basic description of the code: Main loop measures temperatures every 2s. If there is an http request, we store it in String HTTP_req and using function HTTP_req.indexOf we are looking if the HTTP_req contains fraze ajax_switch. Based on that we either send only data or we send whole web page without data. Simple. But, you may noticed the for loop which is commented out, as well the functions who read the sensors are commented out. When I run the code like this, I get in Serial monitor

every two seconds. When I open browser and send http request for the page, this request (not containg ajax_switch) writes in serial monitor with -1 (value of indexOf when string not found). When I click on the button on webpage, it send http request containing ajax_switch and in serial monitor this request and 5 appear (5 is the position of ajax_switch). This is how it should be. Now try to uncomment one of those functions for reading sensors or just the for loop in setup. Then first http request without ajax works no problem, but once you call ajax request, the Http request doesnt contain ajax (and it should!!!) but whats worse function indexOf gives 0 instead of -1. I see no reason why the indexOf function should give 0. And then all subsequent http requests get 0 no matter if they contain ajax or not and that of course ruins the webpage. Can somebody please explain where is the problem?

The first thing we need to do is download JQuery. I recommend grabbing the uncompressed version, because it makes debugging things much more pleasant when you don't have to read minified Javascript...

A little bit back I mentioned that we are going to be communicating with the vote view using data sent via GET requests. The first thing we need to pin down is what data will we be expecting, and how will we label it?

The first thing you'll notice is that we're making a default value for result in the first line of our function. This isn't necessary, but it means we only have to set it in one place, and also means we only have one exit from the function (which makes it easier to follow the logic of the function, and easier to debug if things start going wrong).

And then navigate to the list of polls (unless you haven't created any polls yet, then go here to create a poll first. Click on any of the polls, and you shold get transported to the detail page for that poll.

The $.ajax() function underlies all Ajax requests sent by jQuery. It is often unnecessary to directly call this function, as several higher-level alternatives like $.get() and .load() are available and are easier to use. If less common options are required, though, $.ajax() can be used more flexibly.

The jQuery XMLHttpRequest (jqXHR) object returned by $.ajax() as of jQuery 1.5 is a superset of the browser's native XMLHttpRequest object. For example, it contains responseText and responseXML properties, as well as a getResponseHeader() method. When the transport mechanism is something other than XMLHttpRequest (for example, a script tag for a JSONP request) the jqXHR object simulates native XHR functionality where possible.

As of jQuery 1.5.1, the jqXHR object also contains the overrideMimeType() method (it was available in jQuery 1.4.x, as well, but was temporarily removed in jQuery 1.5). The .overrideMimeType() method may be used in the beforeSend() callback function, for example, to modify the response content-type header:

The jqXHR objects returned by $.ajax() as of jQuery 1.5 implement the Promise interface, giving them all the properties, methods, and behavior of a Promise (see Deferred object for more information). These methods take one or more function arguments that are called when the $.ajax() request terminates. This allows you to assign multiple callbacks on a single request, and even to assign callbacks after the request may have completed. (If the request is already complete, the callback is fired immediately.) Available Promise methods of the jqXHR object include:

As of jQuery 1.5, the fail and done, and, as of jQuery 1.6, always callback hooks are first-in, first-out managed queues, allowing for more than one callback for each hook. See Deferred object methods, which are implemented internally for these $.ajax() callback hooks. 0852c4b9a8

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