Sonar Scanner 4.6.2 Download

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If the files to be analyzed are not in the directory where the analysis starts from, use the sonar.projectBaseDir property to move analysis to a different directory. E.G. analysis begins from jenkins/jobs/myjob/workspace but the files to be analyzed are in ftpdrop/cobol/project1. This is configured in as follows:

When running the container as a non-root user you have to make sure the user has read and write access to the directories you are mounting (like your source code or scanner cache directory), otherwise you may encounter permission-related problems.

To prevent SonarScanner from re-downloading language analyzers each time you run a scan, you can mount a directory where the scanner stores the downloads so that the downloads are reused between scanner runs. On some CI systems, you also need to add this directory to your CI cache configuration.


Scanner CLI is not able to analyze .NET projects. Please, use the SonarScanner for .NET. If you are running the SonarScanner for .NET, ensure that you are not hitting a known limitation.

If the files to be analyzed are not in the directory where the analysis starts from, use the sonar.projectBaseDir property to move analysis to a different directory. For example, when an analysis begins from jenkins/jobs/myjob/workspace but the files to be analyzed are in ftpdrop/cobol/project1.

1_________sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths2___________:3_No protobuf files will be loaded for this project. SonarScanner is not able to analyze .NET projects. Please use the Scanner for MSBuild.

It is important to make sure that the SonarScanner $install_directory/bin location is added to the system $PATH environment variable. This will ensure that sonar-scanner command will be resolved by the customScanner, and prevent the error:

ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution

ERROR: Not authorized. Please check the properties sonar.login and sonar.password.


ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

We're running sonar-scanner via a docker container and a command script on our remote Bamboo agents. I just installed the plugin and tried linking that command script as the sonar-scanner executable but it didn't work.

Thanks for updating the package! And actually I'm wondering whether it's better to pack the sonar-scanner-debug script as well? (I've got no idea about it's usage but it's shipped with the DEB package.)

Scanning sonar is an ideal tool for underwater search because it produces a "picture" of the underwater environment regardless of the water visibility. It does this by sending out a sound wave that reflects off objects on the bottom or in the water column. The reflected wave returns to the sonar head where it is received and sent to the surface for display. The reflected sonar image is displayed on a laptop computer.

Fishers SCAN-650 is a high performance scanning/sector scanning sonar system that can be mounted on an ROV, pole-mounted for use from a small boat in swallow water, or mounted on a tripod on the bottom. The scanning sonar serves as an obstacle avoidance system and provides target identification. The sonar beam sweeps in a 360 degree circle (or any portion of 360) allowing any object in the sonars "field of view" to be seen and displayed on the computer monitor.

In a typical application the sonar head or transducer is mounted on top of an ROV. The head scans a circle around the ROV and "sees" targets in all directions, including those that are well beyond camera range. The sonar images are displayed on the topside computer. The operator, using the sonar for direction bearings, drives the ROV to the various targets for identification and videotaping.

Scanning sonars operate very similar to radar, a signal is sent out from its antenna and then it listens for return signals. The signal is fan shaped and very narrow in width. The return echoes are displayed on the computer screen as a very narrow line that changes color along its length depending on the intensity of the echoes.

After the line is displayed, the antenna (called a transducer in sonar) rotates (steps) slightly to the right and the sequence is repeated. The smaller the step (1/2, 1, 1 1/2, or 2 degree) the higher the resolution of the picture. The transducer continuously steps, and the display quickly fills with the sonar image. The sequence is repeated, and if nothing moves (targets or sonar), then the identical picture will be overlaid over the previous picture (one line at a time).

The SCAN-650 uses a unique data transfer technique when transferring data between the scanning head and the upstairs sonar processor that cuts the time to complete a scan by as much as 50% over other manufacture's units; and it does it without any loss of data. Operating at twice the scan speed is very important when having to search large areas

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string. Required. Allowed values: MSBuild (Integrate with MSBuild), Other (Integrate with Maven or Gradle), CLI (Use standalone scanner). Default value: MSBuild.

If you want to exclude some files from a scan, you can use this setting to configure the sonar.exclusions in your SonarQube project. For more information, go to Narrowing the Focus in the SonarQube docs.

You can add a tool_args setting to run the sonar-scanner binary with specific command-line arguments. For example, suppose the scan is experiencing timeouts due to long response times from a web service. You can increase the timeout window like this: tool_args = 300.

They also integrated a deep water 3D laser scanning system within their AUV and were able to collect laser scans of some of our lower relief sites. You can see in this image, that big gray rectangle, that's a high resolution black and white camera that they had on board, so that we could actually create photo mosaics of these sites after the fact. The blue, you may not be able to see it very well in the back, that's the footprint of the 3D laser scanner. It emits about 1400 points as it scans along the sea floor each time it fires, 1400 data points. So, as you can imagine as you're running your transects back and forth, you're collecting millions of data points just in that one particular area. We use that data for creating 3D point cloud models, and that allows us to create these textured surfaces that you can see in three dimensions what these shipwreck sites look like.

We use several different geophysical tools to collect this data beginning with a high resolution multi-beam bathymetry and that provided us with about 18 centimeters of resolution. Which, for deep water sites is really, really good. The 3D laser however, provides about five millimeters of resolution, so extremely tight resolution. This is phenomenal for us. We also had 3D sonar scanning, which we integrated onto a remotely operated vehicle when we investigated the sites in order to collect sediment cores and coral samples and other video footage of these sites. This is kind of showing you what it looks like using the multi beam data in grey as our basis, and then using each line of laser data sandwiched down on top of that to start creating these 3D point cloud models.

This is actually an image of Anona, the one I'm not going to talk about. But you'll notice that the image on top is actually a composite of the 3D laser data from the AUV, which is shooting top down so it's giving us a plan view of what the site looks like. We use the 3D sonar on the ROV so that we could fill in the areas that the laser missed. If you could see up on the bow, which is to the left, we actually have a nice profile of Anona's bow. We got that by using the 3D sonar scanner on the ROV. That had to remain stationary in order to do the profile sweeps back and forth.

Now on the bottom image you'll see back towards the stern, there's a lot of gray dots. While in flying the AUV, because it's going over these sites, and as it detects an obstruction the superstructure of the vessel here, it actually comes up higher in the water column in order to avoid it. Unfortunately, what that also does is it gets it out of the range of the 3D laser, which has to be in several meters proximity of what it's trying to scan. So, in that area we had a pretty big data gap, so the multi beam data was used to fill in those gaps. Now we're combining multi beam data with 3D laser data and 3D sonar data to try and get really good 3D composite images of these sites.

One of the limitations of the 3D laser, again shooting top down from the AUV, is that it creates data gaps in the sides of anything that's exhibiting relief. So you can see in the image on the left, the conning tower looks like it's kind of floating in the water column. Well we know that's not reality. Again, using the 3D sonar, which was mounted to our ROV, we were able to collect that profile view, that three 3D data, and make the conning tower look like it's supposed to look. That's kind of one of the benefits of these different types of tools that we have at our disposal.

With Halo, we also used the 3D sonar to help get more of that profile view of Halo, and we specifically focused on the area of the breach. You can see that that data is in blue. We got some really good imagery penetrating inside the breach and we can actually see some of the internal structures of Halo. Now, this particular site is outside of the spill impacted area, so we did not see any evidence of enhanced corrosion, but this is a site that we're using as our reference site moving forward so that we can compare with those steel hulled sites that are within the spill impacted area moving forward.

Also another benefit of the laser data and the sonar data as well as the multi beam, is that we are able to create much better and more accurate archeological site plans. That five millimeters of resolution is phenomenal. I mean terrestrial folks are like, "Eh, that's nothing." But, in the underwater environment, where divers cannot actually touch our site and we cannot draw our tape measure and measure it and actually touch it, we have to use robotics and expensive tools, this is, it's phenomenal. It's above and beyond anything we've been able to get before. U-166 on the left, Halo was on the right, and with that ... 5376163bf9

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