
By Plane

The suggested airports are

From there, reach the closest train station (Firenze Santa Maria Novella if flying to Firenze, Roma Termini if flying to Roma), and check the suggestions below.

Other options for flights are Bologna or Pisa. In this case, you can take a train to Firenze Santa Maria Novella, and continue from there.

By Train

The closest train station to Cortona is Camucia-Cortona (followed by Terontola).
For tickets, go to

From the Camucia-Cortona train station to Palazzone, it will take 10-15 minutes by car or bus, or around 1 hour by walking.

By Bus

If you want to go from Camucia to Cortona by bus, there are several options, see the time table here.
he best option (from Monday to Saturday) is SU5 to V.Le C. Battisti Di Fronte (15m walking to Palazzone), followed by SU4 or LS6 to Cortona Piazza Mercato (25m walking to Palazzone), see below.
