Advanced Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory


Advanced Optical Diagnostics

Optical techniques for high-resolution experiments

  • Laser interferometry for micro-thin film

  • Total internal reflection for phase detection

  • Intergrated HSV-TIR-IR imaging

  • High-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging

Adavanced thermometry techniques

  • High-speed infrared thermometry for surface temperature and heat flux

  • Rainbow schlieren deflectometry for temperature field in fluids

  • DEPIcT (DEtection of Phase by Infrared Thermometry)

  • Phosphor thermometry


Phase-change heat transfer fundamentals

  • Subcooled nucleate boiling

  • Departure from nucleate boiling

  • Slug flow boiling on downward-facing wall

  • Droplet-wall collision dynamics and heat transfer

  • Quenching/reflood heat transfer

Heat pipe for nuclear systems

  • Fork-type heat pipe for passive cooling of spent fuel pool

  • Heat pipe for micro/mobile and space reactor applications

ATF and CRUD effects on boiling and quenching heat transfer in LWRs

Ultra-high heat flux cooling for fusion reactor and military

Hyper-Vapotron and 3D porous structures

Containment thermal-hydraulics

film condensation and evaporation, aerosol removal

Modeling and Simulation

Meso-Scale Simulation

  • Hybrid multiphase simulation of flow boiling heat transfer using OpenFOAM and Fluent

  • CFD simulation of steam extraction from surface condenser

  • Multiphase simulation of boiling and condensation in porous media

System-Scale Simulation

  • MARS-CUPID coupled simulation of two-phase flow heat exchanger

  • Safety analysis of nuclear reactor systems using MARS and SPACE

  • Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) modeling and

simulation of radionuclides transport in disposal systems of spent nuclear fuels