Advanced Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory


Hyungdae Kim

Head of the Advanced Thermal-Hydraulics Research Lab.


Associate Professor

Phone: +82-31-201-3322

Research Interests

• Experimental and Computational Thermal Hydraulics

• Phase Change Heat Transfer

• Advanced Imaging Techniques

• Ultra-High Heat Flux Cooling

Educational background

2001 - 2007 : POSTECH (Korea) - Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering

1999 - 2001 : POSTECH (Korea) - B.S. Mechanical Engineering


2021 - Present: Full Professor in Kyunghee University

2021 - 2022 : Professor in Kyunghee University (Head of department)

2016 - 2020 : Associate Professor in Kyunghee University

2010 - 2016 : Assistant Professor in Kyunghee University

2007 - 2010 : Postdoctoral Researcher in MIT

2007 - 2007 : Postdoctoral Researcher in POSTECH


2007. 11. 01 : KSME Annual Fall Meeting Outstanding paper Award

2004. 11. 19 : 6th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering (CSS-6) Outstanding Paper Award