
Hey there!

We are so excited by your willingness to serve this summer with churches from all over Hardin County! Below you can read a brief description of the vision for this project.

In response to the pandemic, a group of local children's ministry leaders have prayerfully and creatively brainstormed an alternative to the traditional VBS do that we can gather safely outdoors to share the message of God's love with children in kindergarten-fifth grade. This re-imagined VBS is called "The Next Door Project" and focuses on exploring God's character and how we reflect His character to those in our community.

With the pandemic still ongoing, we know there are some concerns for safety, so we want to be upfront with our expectations. We will NOT require anyone to wear a mask. We are taking precautions by keeping groups small and remaining outdoors. We will also ask that kids use the bathroom before they come or if they need to go, they will need to go to their own home so kids aren't entering the host's home. We will not be providing snacks for the site, and ask that if you decide you would like to provide them, that you provide only individually-wrapped snacks. We will be providing hand sanitizer for each site.

Below you will find many options for how you can serve. Please read all descriptions before choosing a position to volunteer. After all the descriptions, you will have an opportunity to select in which capacity you would like to serve. You may select more than one option if you would like. If you have any questions, please contact the children's minister at your church or email us at hcnextdoorproject@gmail.com.

Thank you so much for your willingness to be a part of this big vision that God has given us! We are so excited for you to be a part of sharing Jesus with Hardin County!