Call for Papers

Call for Submissions to the Workshop on Human-Centric Music Information Retrieval (part of ISMIR 2023)

We invite the research community to submit short papers on the following relevant topics, but not limited to: 

Paper submission deadline: July 13, 2023 (23:59:59 AOE)

Author notification: September 5th, 2023 

Submission Format

Submissions should not exceed 4 pages (plus unlimited pages for references). They must be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair. We explicitly encourage the submission of papers describing work in progress or containing preliminary results to discuss with the community. All submissions must include an abstract between 150 and 200 words

Papers will be reviewed by the workshop committee with consideration for quality and fit to the workshop. At least one author of each accepted submission is required to attend the workshop. Accepted papers will be presented as short oral presentations, and will tentatively be archived on 


Proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication. Please use CEURART's template for paper submissions. The zip file with the templates contains both a Word and LaTeX template; you can choose either one. Alternatively, you can also use CEURART's Overleaf template - just create a copy of the project by clicking on 'copy project' in the menu when you're logged in and start editing it. Whatever template you choose, please make sure to use the 1-column format. For the initial submission, you only need the PDF formatted according to the template.


Our peer review process is mutually anonymous, meaning the reviewers do not know the names of the authors and the authors will not know the names of the reviewers. Therefore, we ask you to make sure to anonymize your submission. Non-anonymized papers may be rejected without review. This means the submitted PDF should not contain the authors’ names. References to your own papers should be cited in a way that does not reveal or imply that they were written by you.