Title & Abstract

Monday (15th)

In two spatial dimensions, by rotating the velocity gradient by 90 degrees we can obtain an equation which is equivalent to the Burgers equation. Rotating the velocity gradient continuously we introduce a generalised system of incompressible fluid equations that allows us to compare an integrable system with non-integrable ones. Based on direct numerical experiments of the generalised system, we find that the Burgers equation is the most singular in terms of enstrophy.

We then discuss preliminary results on a similar extension in three spatial dimensions using vector potentials. We compare numerically the solenoidal Burgers and the Navier-Stokes equations with a regularity criterion integral involving enstrophy. 

The goal is to validate an asymptotic expansion in terms of small adimensional parameters, isolating inviscid and viscous effects. Moreover, at a given order of the expansion, we identify corrections to the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff motion, in agreement with observations in the applied literature. We rigorously justify the approximation by controlling the remainder with an energy method, where Arnold's variational principle for the stability of vortices plays a fundamental role in our analysis. This is an ongoing project with T. Gallay.

Tuesday (16th)

Wednesday (17th)

Thursday (18th)

We will demonstrate the first construction of infinitely many, genuinely three-dimensional modes of instabilities of some vortex columns, which take the form of ``ring modes'', localized around $r=r_0$, for some $r_0>0$. We will describe the relevance of such instabilities and related open problems in the context of experimental and numerical phenomena observed in incompressible fluids. This is joint work with D. Albritton.

The proof is based on the three main methodologies: the modified front tracking algorithm; the a-contraction with shifts; the method of compensated compactness.

This is a joint work with Geng Chen (U. Kansas) and Alexis Vasseur (UT-Austin).

Friday (19th)