Call for Participation


We welcome cross-presentations of NAACL main conference or findings papers! Please fill out this form if you are interested in cross-presenting by Sunday, May 19.


We invite researchers and practitioners to submit long (up to 8 pages) or short (up to 4 pages) papers, plus unlimited pages of references and an ethics and limitations section. Authors can choose to make either an archival or non-archival submission: there will be no distinction in the reviewing process or presentations, but non-archival papers will not appear in the proceedings. We invite submissions that include (but are not limited to):

Submission will be via OpenReview, and submissions should follow the *ACL conference formatting guidelines. Authors may include an appendix of any length with the main paper, but submissions should be self-contained as reviewers are not asked to review appendices.  Review will be two-way anonymized and submissions should be anonymized as much as possible.

We also welcome submissions of work rejected by other venues because of their interdisciplinary nature or focus on HCI. For these fast track submissions, submissions should be made via this Google form; please include previous reviews as supplementary material along with your submission. (Note that the submission site for fast track submissions has changed; if you previously submitted on OpenReview, we have your submission and you do not need to re-submit via the Google form.)

Upon acceptance, archival papers will be given an additional page of content (up to 9 pages for long papers and 5 for short). While non-archival papers will not be included in the proceedings, authors who wish to have their papers on our website should upload their camera-ready to OpenReview by May 3, and papers will likewise be given an additional page of content.


Topics that submissions might address include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates