CS 339H: Human-Computer Interaction and AI/ML


Autumn Quarter 2022

Stanford Computer Science Department

Professors: Daniel M. Russell <drussell@google.com> & Peter Norvig <norvig@stanford.edu>

Course Assistant: Alejandrina Gonzalez Reyes <alegre@stanford.edu>

Teaching team email: cs339h-aut2223-staff@lists.stanford.edu

When/Where: Tu/Th 10:30-12:20 Hewlett 101

Course document / Syllabus: bit.ly/HCIAI-Stanford-2022

Website for the course: cs339h.stanford.edu


Understanding the human side of AI/ML based systems requires understanding both how the system-side AI works, but also how people think about, understand, and use AI tools and systems. This course will cover how what AI components and systems currently exits, along with how mental models and user models are made. These models lead to user expectations of AI systems are formed, and ultimately to design guidelines to avoid disappointing end-users by creating unintelligible AI tools that are based on a cryptic depiction of how things work. We'll also cover the ethics of AI data collection and model building, as well as how to build fair systems.


Each week we’ll have 2 classes, each 90 minutes long starting at 10:30 until 12:10. We'll typically have two 45-minute lectures with a 10 minute break in the middle. (The official time runs to 12:20--we'll leave the last 10 minutes for open discussion and informal post-class office hours.)


ASSIGNMENTS: There will be an assignment each week. The master list of assignments is here (this duplicates content in the syllabus, but pulls it together in a useful way).

Some are simple and fairly straightforward to do (the Reflections); others will require some thought and detail to attention. Missing a
ssignments are scored as 0. The due date is the due date. Don't be late.

FINAL: The final will be held in class on Dec 15, 2022 at 3:30 - 6:30PM. Each team will make a presentation of 5 minutes on a topic of their choosing. (The date of the final is set by the Stanford schedule.)

GRADING: Each assignment will be worth 10 points summing up to 100.

Important Dates:

  • Monday, November 7 2022 (5:00 p.m.) is term withdrawal deadline. This is the last day to submit a Leave of Absence to withdraw from the university with a partial refund on the Stanford Academic Calendar 2022-2023.

  • Tuesday, November 8 2022 is a holiday (Democracy Day), a day of civic service (Stanford Holidays 2022).

  • Stanford Thanksgiving break 2022 is from Monday, November 21 2022 to Friday, November 25 2022.

  • Friday, December 9 2022 is the last day of classes. This day is also the last opportunity to arrange an Incomplete in a course.