Accepted Papers

  • An Energy Efficient and Elastic Edge-Cloud for Computational Sensing in Smart Geriatric Homes , Amit Swain; Rajat Das; Avik Ghose; Smriti Rani; Chirabrata Bhaumik

  • Detecting Screen Presence with Activity-Oriented RGB Camera in Egocentric Videos , Amit Adate; Soroush Shahi; Rawan Alharbi; Sougata Sen; Yang Gao; Aggelos K Katsaggelos; Nabil Alshurafa

  • Sleep Sound Event Detection Using ANC-Enabled Earbuds, Kenneth Christofferson; Alex Mariakakis; Xuyang Chen; Zeyu Wang; Yuntao Wang

  • Tracking Daily Routines of Elderly Users Through Acoustic Sensing: An unsupervised learning approach, Pavlos Nicolaou; Christos Efstratiou

  • WeMoD: A Machine Learning Approach for Wearable and Mobile Physical Activity Prediction, Dimitrios Vasdekis; Sofia Yfantidou; Stefanos Efstathiou; Athena Vakali