Call for Papers

The Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS’18) Workshop at PerCom 2018 aims to advance and promote research about how unobtrusive observation of human beings’ cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and contextual data is increasingly enabling new computing experiences and effective intervention opportunities. The workshop will additionally stimulate dialog about the implications of computational sensing for society. Sensing has primarily been understood as collecting physiological measurements, often with wearable devices. This workshop adopts a broader, human-focused view of sensing as capturing any measurable data linked to individuals and, by extension, to their communities. With this understanding, sensing involves human reactions and interactions observed in spoken, written, or signed language, eye gaze, facial and bodily expressions, social networks, geospatial patterns, and other such human-generated data. Advances in multimodal human data acquisition and fusion have the potential to significantly impact all areas of human life including productivity, health and well-being, training and education, human-computer interaction, accessibility, safety and security, as well as gaming, sports, and entertainment.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Novel methodologies for collecting, processing, and interpreting multimodal human sensing data
  • Co-sensing of multiple individuals, groups, or communities
  • Proximal, distant, or remote human sensing
  • Fusion of multifaceted, heterogeneous, and/or incommensurable human sensing data
  • Performance efficiency across hardware and cloud contexts
  • Applications of human-centered computational sensing
  • Creative visualizations and representations of human sensing data
  • Emerging human sensing mechanisms
  • Evaluation metrics and methodologies
  • Privacy and ethical considerations

Submission and Registration:

Authors are invited to submit technical or theoretical papers for presentation at the workshop, describing original, previously unpublished work, which is not currently under review by another workshop, conference, or journal. Papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the workshop.

Accepted workshop papers will be included and indexed in the IEEE digital libraries (Xplore)

Papers may be no more than 6 pages in length. Papers in excess of page limits shall not be considered for review or publication. All papers must be typeset in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US letter paper, with all fonts embedded. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as related information, can be found at the IEEE website.

Submit papers using the

It is a requirement that all authors listed in the submitted paper are also listed in EDAS. If the list of authors differs between the paper and EDAS, the paper may not be reviewed.

In order to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation, each accepted workshop paper requires a full PerCom registration (no registration is available for workshops only).

Important Dates:

    • Workshop paper submissions: November 11, 2017, 23:59 EST (Extended to December 13, 2017, 23:59 EST)
    • Paper notifications: December 23, 2017
    • Camera ready submissions: January 12, 2018
    • HCCS Workshop at PerCom 2018: March 19, 2018