
Joining the HCAI reading group

The HCAI reading group is open to the public, and welcomes anyone interested in Human-Centered AI. Note that participants are expected to actively participate during the sessions, suggest papers to be discussed, and occasionally serve as session moderators.

If you would like to join the HCAI reading group, you are encouraged to enroll in the mailing list which, in addition to this website, serves as a direct communication channel. Through the mailing list, you will receive reminders of each week's topic as well as eventual (last minute) changes in the schedule.

To join the mailing list, simply send an email to with the following message:

subscribe hcai-rg

Procedure of a reading group session

  • Each session is moderated by one of the members, on a rotatory basis.

  • At the beginning of the session, the moderator collects two aspects to be discussed from each of the attendants.

  • The group then proceeds to discuss the paper.

  • At the end of the session, the group designates a member that will serve as the moderator for the following reading group session. This person will also be in charge to select which paper will be discussed, from the list of Suggested Readings.

  • If you are regularly attending the HCAI reading group sessions, you are expected to add at least one paper every 1-3 weeks to ensure a healthy flow of papers in the Suggested Readings buffer.