Need Volunteers?

we're Here to help!

Please contact us at with the following information:

  1. Event details: what volunteers will be doing, when, where, etc.
  2. The person who will check in and check out volunteers, and the location of check in and check out
  3. The number of volunteers needed
  4. (If necessary) specific time slots or task for volunteers
  5. Any other information that we may need to know (volunteer waivers, volunteer qualifications, etc.)

Alternatively, you can make a copy of our sign-up sheet template and email it filled out to us.

Sign-up Sheet

We will then share a sign-up sheet with you on Google Docs so that you will be able to see how many of our volunteers sign up for the event. The sign-up sheet also acts as a "receipt" for the event.

As part of a new policy, we will no longer be sending volunteers to events in which a different sign-up website or method is used. In order to streamline the volunteering experience, we require that event coordinators allow us to use our own sign-up sheet on Google Docs, or that they create one using our sign-up sheet template and share it with us.


In order to ensure that volunteers are held accountable for attending events, we request that event coordinators:

  • Print out the sign-up sheet before the beginning of an event
  • Check in volunteers at the beginning of the event
  • Check out volunteers at the end of the event

Volunteers will also ask for you to sign their verification logs as proof of their attendance of the event. See "After the Event" for what to do next.

After the Event

We hope that our volunteers helped your event to succeed! In order to improve the quality of our volunteering, please fill out this form where you can provide feedback and share check in and check out information with us.

Need more help?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact or individually text our officers using the contact information found here.

Most importantly . . .

Thank you for reaching out to HBHS NHS!