Metamanagement Fredy Kofman Pdf 23

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Metamanagement: A Trilogy by Fredy Kofman

Metamanagement is a series of three books by Fredy Kofman, a renowned author, speaker and consultant on leadership, management and organizational culture. The books present a comprehensive and holistic approach to personal and professional development, based on the principles of learning, effectiveness, integrity and consciousness.

The first book, Metamanagement (Principles), introduces a learning model that enables individuals, teams and organizations to achieve higher levels of performance and satisfaction. The second book, Metamanagement (Applications), provides practical tools to improve the operational results, the interpersonal processes and the quality of life of the people. The third book, Metamanagement (Philosophy), offers an integrative perspective that helps human beings to respond to the challenges of business and life with intelligence, equanimity, integrity and awareness.

Metamanagement is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to grow as a leader, a manager, a professional or a human being. The books are available in Spanish as e-books on Apple Books, Amazon and Kobo[^1^] [^2^].Metamanagement is based on the premise that the quality of our actions depends on the quality of our awareness. Therefore, the books aim to help the readers to expand their awareness of themselves, others and reality, and to act accordingly. The books also emphasize the importance of aligning our actions with our values and purpose, and of taking responsibility for our choices and consequences.

The books are full of examples, stories, exercises and reflections that illustrate the concepts and practices of metamanagement. The books also invite the readers to apply the learning to their own situations and challenges, and to share their insights and feedback with others. The books are designed to be read in sequence, but each one can also stand on its own as a complete guide to a specific aspect of metamanagement.

Metamanagement is more than a book series. It is a philosophy of life and work that can transform the way we relate to ourselves, others and the world. It is a journey of discovery and growth that can enrich our lives and make a positive difference in the world.Metamanagement is not a new idea. It is based on the wisdom of ancient and modern traditions, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Stoicism, Existentialism, Humanism and Systems Thinking. It also draws from the latest research and findings in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, economics and sociology. Metamanagement integrates and synthesizes the best of these sources into a coherent and practical framework that can be applied to any context and challenge.

Metamanagement is not a dogma or a formula. It is a flexible and adaptable approach that can be customized to each person's needs and preferences. It does not prescribe what to do or how to do it, but rather offers guidelines and principles that can help the readers to find their own answers and solutions. Metamanagement does not claim to have the truth or the final word, but rather invites the readers to question their assumptions and beliefs, and to explore new possibilities and perspectives.

Metamanagement is not a quick fix or a magic bullet. It is a long-term and ongoing process that requires commitment, effort and practice. It is not easy or comfortable, but it is rewarding and fulfilling. Metamanagement challenges the readers to face their fears and doubts, to overcome their limitations and obstacles, and to unleash their potential and creativity. 66dfd1ed39

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