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New with Windows 10 seems to be the Notification Area. Now, I've seen a few notifications (in the Action Center). The problem is that I haven't understood any of them (actively using computers for 30 years now), and once I click them they are gone. Is there any way to view these past user notifications so I can try and make some sense out of them?

I've found one way to view past notifications, though only very recent ones. In Windows 10, the notifications are stored in \Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\wpndatabase.db as an SQLite database. E.g. using DB Browser for SQLite, it is possible to view the "Notification" table in it, whose "Payload" column contains the notification texts.

I have a custom built PC i had an rx 570 with ryzen 5600 system got a BSOD now won't boot past windows logo I thought it might be faulty motherboard so I bought an Asus rog strix b550 wifi but the problem persisted so I thought it was a ram problem but I had 2x8 gb stick tried either one problem still presited so eventually I bought a new graphics card new ram and new PSU and a new hard drive still the problem persist now the only thing left to do is swap the CPU to see if that works but to my understanding a PC won't boot up at all with a faulty CPU so am I missing anything

Microsoft had worked with Apple Computer to develop applications for Apple's new Macintosh computer, which featured a graphical user interface. As part of the related business negotiations, Microsoft had licensed certain aspects of the Macintosh user interface from Apple; in later litigation, a district court summarized these aspects as "screen displays".In the development of Windows 1.0, Microsoft intentionally limited its borrowing of certain GUI elements from the Macintosh user interface, to comply with its license. For example, windows were only displayed "tiled" on the screen; that is, they could not overlap or overlie one another.

In Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., version 2.03, and later 3.0, faced challenges from Apple over its overlapping windows and other features Apple charged mimicked the ostensibly copyrighted "look and feel" of its operating system and "embodie[d] and generated a copy of the Macintosh" in its OS. Judge William Schwarzer dropped all but 10 of Apple's 189 claims of copyright infringement, and ruled that most of the remaining 10 were over uncopyrightable ideas.[18]

Hadn't booted into windows for a while. Used it for a few hours and then I rebooted to OS X in order to access some work. I then went back to Windows and now it gets stuck at the Windows logo. I do not get the loading wheel underneath, only the logo. I have turned on and off, rebooted back to OS X, and back to Windows. Nothing. I have no idea what I should do. I have an early 2015 13" MBP. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

I have looked into this however it doesn't appear i'm able to since I can't actually log in. I boot into bootcamp and all that I am presented with is the windows logo. I don't even get the spinning dots.

Do you have this ISO - -us/software-download/windows10ISO - on your Mac? If yes, mount it, and select all files and copy them to a USB Flash drive. Format the USB as MBR/FAT32. If you get an error about file sizes or not enough space, check the size of install.wim file. It must be smaller than 4GB. Try to boot from this USB. Your Keyboard/Mouse will not work, but the Windows Installer should start.

Flashdrive appeared as EFI Boot. Selected it and I got the windows logo. It proceeded to hang for about 30 seconds and then loading wheel appeared. I then was prompted with a message asking if I would like to repair the incomplete upgrade or if i would like to install a clean copy of windows. I chose to repair and in under a minute I was at the login screen. I shutdown, rebooted into Boot Camp, and it was successful! I truly cannot thank you enough for helping me through this!!

Performing forensic analysis of past attacks can be particularly challenging. Advanced persistent threat actors will frequently utilize anti-forensic techniques to hide their tracks and make the jobs of incident responders more difficult. To provide our consultants with the best possible tools we revisited our existing registry forensic techniques and identified new ways to recover historical and deleted registry data. Our analysis focused on the following known sources of historical registry data:

Doing a traceroute did not look like I was on a CGN. That was when I did the traceroute through powershell. When i went to traceroute the routing ended at a my internet provider Suddenlink. So I would assume that I am on a CGN.

Currently, my cable is Suddenlink (optimum) 1gig home service with Altice branded modem. As you are aware I am new to this, but in researching CGN one of the site contributors mentioned that CGN is usually assoc with this service.

What is it I can do to get past this issue.

*I appreciate you quick response. By the time I got back to my last attempt it had already booted my out and my code was no longer good. got frustrated and just deleted everyhing again. Going to try one more time here as I have already paid for a year of DNS already.


I have got a fire escape route on the outside of a building, with goes over 3 separate windows.

The windows have openings but do not obstruct the route of escap.

What are the regulations on the windows? Do they need to be fire rated windows or any specifics regulation?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards Neil

There will be no particular regulation it is all about risk assessment, if fire was issuing from any of these windows could people using this escape route be able to pass safely? You never said which type of premises we are discussing because there is guidance for each type.

I thought there was a regulation around windows / glazing that is within 1.8 metres horizontally from any external fire escape. Meaning that such glazing must be 30 minutes FR. Am I mistaken ? You've got me thinking now guys.

You are correct Dan but Neil said "fire escape _____ on the outside of a building" not external fire escape and it is not regulation its DCLG guidance. On an external fire escape you cannot move away from any windows to a safe distance so they need to be 30 minutes FR fixed shut, on other horizontal escape routes you may be able too, that's why it is all about risk assessment.

This is an old topic but as I have just come across a related issue I thought I'd throw one into the mix. An external escape route outside a building (rear garden area of a residential care home) which passes several windows which are clearly not fire rated. As it is a fairly narrow passageway it is not possible to move away from the windows any reasonable distance. This, in my opinion, makes that escape route untenable if the status quo remains regarding the glazing. This route is the only way to leave the garden area unless you re-enter the building on the ground floor which would then allow you to exit by an alternative route.

Hi, we have a similar dilemma. A loft conversion with an external staircase entering the top floor that has a landing which is directly above a sash window. Can we use fire proof glass ( 30min rule) or do we need to move the window, and if so does the window have to be more than 1.8m from the staircase, given that it would still be at the same level just moved sideways so that it is no longer directly under the staircase.. The Building Inspector says we cannot have any windows near the staircase. We also have a window that you can escape onto the staircase from the 1st floor, but he is also questioning this.

Using Approved Document B Fire Safety (ADB) the rule is any openings (doors or windows) within 1.8 m of an external staircase has to be 30 minute fire resistance and any openable windows fixed shut. I cannot give a definitive answer on the information you provided but it appears the sash window below the landing could be 30 minutes fire resisting glazing (FRG) and any openable windows fixed shut. The other window you can escape onto the staircase from must be FRG and fixed shut.

At the rear of the properties the upstairs flats have iron wrought external fire escapes leading down from their back door. The stairs run down the side of the building a proportion of which passes past the bathroom window and one bedroom window of the downstairs flat. The downstairs bedroom has 3 large windows, one of these opens onto the fire escape railings leaving a tiny gap. The middle window is fixed and the 3rd window opens fully out onto the garden. There are two exit doors in both the downstairs and upstairs flat.

The stairs are original and in a very poor state, we have been advised by our managing agent that they need to be replaced but have advised us that the new steel stair replacements will be positioned so they come straight out and away from the building, we are all unhappy about this and wanted to know if this was the only alternative? Looking at this thread it seems if we installed the correct glass we should be able to have the new ones installed in the same position? Although there is no exit from two of the bedroom windows downstairs you can easily exit from the one that does open. The bathroom window downstairs has one fixed window and one that opens out but it hits the bottom of the fire escape but this could be remedied by swapping the window around making the opening on the other side.

The external staircase could be located on the side of the building but any doors should be FD30 self/closing and any windows be FRG fixed shut if within a specified distances of the staircase,(see Approved Document B (fire Safety) volume 2: Premises other than Dwelling Houses page 54/55). The problem with this, there could be a need for escape windows but without having an personnal knowledge of the premises especially the flats internal layout and construction it is impossible to give a satisfactory answer. Also there could be problems with ventilation so you need the services of a fire consultant and building regulations approval. 5376163bf9

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