Download Java 8 For Windows Server 2012 R2 64 Bit


I am looking for a way with which I can find any and all programs which are using Java on a windows server. Is there a cmd command or something similar which would give me a list of all programs using java? Thanks

I have recently migrated some scheduled jobs from a Windows Server 2012 virtual server to a new Windows Server 2019 virtual server, and have noticed some notable performance degradation in certain jobs. Particularly, jobs which communicate with our DB2 database using an AS400 JDBC connection pool data source. The database is hosted on an IBM iSeries AS/400.

This project simply connects to the DB2 database and executes an SQL update command. On other servers, the same command will take ~2.5 minutes, but on Windows Server 2019 it takes anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour. I have monitored CPU, RAM, and network activity on the server and database while the job is running, and nothing stands out. Below are the results of testing on various operating systems and JDKs:

As shown above, I tried on a fresh install of server 2016 and did not experience the performance issues, but when I tried on a fresh install of Windows Server 2019, I was able to replicate the performance degradation.

Docker is a container platform that allows you to define your own software stack and store it in an image that can be downloaded from a remote repository. The Docker platform includes an nginx proxy server.

You'll need to close and re-open any command windows that were open before you made these changes, as there's no way to reload environment variables from an active command prompt. If the changes don't take effect after reopening the command window, restart Windows.

Hi All ,

am facing difficulty in installing java extension in a robot machine. i tried to use this tool ,

screenscrape java extension. but it gave me , following error. any help would be really useful.

note: running command prompt in the admin mode

image19201080 156 KB

_____________________________________________________ its 0 KB! now what to do ?

image81350 3.6 KB

is is because of this reason that i was not able to run the setupextensions exe? because that file seems to be fine . but while installing java extension i got #4Error that isthe main reason i switched to this screenscrapejavasupport installation.

image737461 35.3 KB

The error I received (Could not copy over file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_241\bin\UiPathJavaBridgeV8.dll". It is being used by another process. Retry after closing all java applications.) indicated to me that the Javabridge was already installed which makes sense as I included it with the msi originally and I had java process loaded in the background so the dll was in use.

Web servers built based on the Apache httpd source code have as much support as the version of httpd on which it is based. If in doubt, ask Adobe for confirmation of the support level related to the respective server product. The following cases:

These system requirements 1____ apply if you use Dynamic Media - Hybrid mode; Dynamic Media - Hybrid mode has an embedded image server, which is only certified on certain operating systems.

2______________________________ Ensure that the host name of the server is resolvable to an IP address. If that is not possible, add the fully qualified host name and the IP address to 3__________:

I do not remember, how I did to install under Windows.

Anyway, the String should be (windows address)

connectionString: "jdbc:ucanaccess:///C:\Users\me\my\AccessDatabase.mdb

I find this in my docs.

1, You are better off converting your access DB to MS sql express, which will import all your data into the tables / databases and have far better performance than access plus lucee supports MSSQL

2. You will need to install the ODBC drivers for your windows version, and you will need to install microsoft office Unable to use the Access ODBC, OLEDB or DAO interfaces outside Office Click-to-Run applications - Office | Microsoft Learn

3. Lastly, you can follow this tutorial if you cant JUST LIVE without access, it is the JAVA connector how to, which you will have to wrap cfcode around

Java JDBC Example Connect to Microsoft Access Database

Ok, it took about 30min to try this, and I was able to make an access database work with an Lucee Express Version on my Windows 10 Lap. You need to translate that to your installed server. But this works!!! If you have populated your Lucee installation with some other files, please restart from scratch. Here is a solution and the steps you need to make:

We have a windows master setup and we do a large amount of file restores which I am trying to move to the service desk. I have installed the java console on the Terminal servers that we use and I can logon and administer the master server.

Instrumenting an application adds the AppDynamics Application Agent, known as an App Agent, into the runtime process of the application. An App Server is a server application that is constantly running. You can deploy applications on the App Server.

I've set up an ELK stack on Docker which I primarily use for ingestion and analysis of logs produced by a Java application. The logs are fed to ES by LogStash (file input) which works well. I have also added --javaagent JVM options on the Java application to be able to collect logs/traces/api data/etc. The agent will receive configuration information from APM Server which appears to work as well as the following is evident on logs:

When Installing Jenkins, it is recommended to install and run Jenkins as an independentwindows service using a 4____________________ as it is much safer than running Jenkinsusing 5_______________________________________ which will grant Jenkins full accessto your machine and services.

Running metabase using java is great, but what if you want to run it all the time. On windows you have the options of adding it to start up, but even then you will have to login to the machine to start metabase. So to convert it to something like a service, the best option is to run it as a windows service.

If you are looking for a simpler way to create CSRs, and install and manage your SSL/TLS certificates, we recommend using the DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows. You can use the DigiCert Utility to generate your CSR and prepare your SSL/TLS certificate file for installation on your Tomcat server. See Tomcat: Create CSR & Install SSL/TLS Certificate with the DigiCert Utility.

6__________ You must install the SSL/TLS Certificate file to the same keystore and under the same alias name (e.g., "-alias server") that you used to generate your CSR. If you try to install the certificate to a different keystore or under a different alias, the import command will not work.

In the command above, your_site_name.p7b should be the name of the certificate file you downloaded, your_site_name.jks should be the name of the keystore file you created in Step 1: Use Keytool to Create a New Keystore or when using the DigiCert Java Keytool CSR Wizard., and server should be the alias name you used when generating your CSR.

In the connector configuration above, keystoreFile is the full path to your keystore file, keystorePass is the password you used to create your keystore, and keyAlias is the same alias name (e.g., "server") that you used to generate your CSR.

I have a tomcat web application, when invoking an unstable remote API, I want to get realtime http request time at any time. On windows server, I can use Performance Counter, does centos provide someone like that?

The SPECjbb 2015 benchmark has been developed from the ground up to measure performance based on the latest Java application features. It is relevant to all audiences who are interested in Java server performance, including JVM vendors, hardware developers, Java application developers, researchers and members of the academic community.


 The only real alternative to Microsoft's .Net Web services software is Java-based server software. The fight for future Web services dollars may depend on who--Microsoft or the Java crowd--gets their programming tools into the hands of more developers.

Microsoft's successful Visual Basic tools, which allow developers to quickly build corporate applications, have long helped propel the growth of Windows-based software, particularly on desktop PCs. Since its emergence in the mid-1990s, Java, too, has been extremely successful. Java is used by millions of professional programmers, and Java-based server software is the only real alternative to Microsoft's .Net Web services software.

But Java's sophistication has also been its liability. Java 2 Enterprise Edition--the server version of Java--is industrial strength, but it requires highly trained programmers to design and code applications. By contrast, Microsoft's bread-and-butter business in the tools market has been relatively easy-to-use tools, notably Visual Basic, which allow less-skilled developers to quickly build Web applications.

Right now, Java software makers are targeting simpler tools and server software at customers that build smaller applications. That's where the demand is, and where Microsoft has had a stranglehold on the market, analysts say.

BEA Systems recently launched WebLogic Platform 8.1, a Java-based suite of server software. The company, which is fending off bitter competition from IBM and Oracle, is betting in large part on the WebLogic Workshop development tool, which it says is a radically more productive development tool, particularly for integrating existing systems.


 Just as Java tool makers plot their strategy, however, Microsoft is making a concerted attack on the J2EE stronghold of server-based applications. The company is hoping to win customers that build complex online reservation and manufacturing applications, for instance. Driving the adoption of Web services through its product line is central to Microsoft's server strategy. 5376163bf9

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