A-Level Media Studies Year 13

COMPONENT 1 - Media Products, Industries and Audiences

Written Examination - 2 hours 15 minutes

35% of Qualification

90 Marks

Advertising and Marketing

Advertising and Marketing

Film: Cross-media study

Film: Cross-media study

Advertising and Marketing


Music video

Music Video


COMPONENT 2 - Media Forms and Products in Depth

Written Examination - 2 hours 30 minutes

35% of Qualification

90 Marks

SECTION A - Television in the Global Age

Television in the Global Age

Television in the Global Age



SECTION C - Online Media

Online Media

Online Media

You will be allowed one minute to read Question 1. 

The audio-visual extract will be shown three times

First viewing: watch the music video

Second viewing: watch the music video and make notes. (separate paper provided) 

You will then have five minutes to make further notes. 

Third viewing: watch the music video and make final notes.