The Offrenda

Offrenda - Spanish for "offering".   Ofrendas are shrines built to remember and honor people who have passed. They are a way to keep the memory of that person alive through the annual tradition of remembering what they loved to do, eat, drink and look like. 

We will have a traditional Offrenda set up on site for all to bring tokens to remember those that have passed.  Bring small tokens, mementos, or other items that bring honor and remembrance to those that have passed on to the Summerlands and place them upon our alter of remembrance.  At the end of the day, all offerings may be picked up, but if left they will be respectfully and ritually returned to the earth or fire, where appropriate.  

Some ideas for items to bring for the Offrenda:

We will have tea lights and false/joss paper money that can be burned in the evening. The key is to put something out that reminds you of them and/or they would appreciate to honor your loved ones. Humans, furry, and scaly friends are all beloved and welcome. This space will be treated with respect and love. 

For questions, please contact Heather Hrafnsdottir -