Application Process

Application Process

Through the Hawk Tree House, St. Louis School allows all students in grades 5 through 8* an opportunity to manage, organize, and run a school store for St. Louis School Students. The collaborative team will be given an opportunity to work together and support one another with varying learning levels in a cross-curricular project - the Hawks Soar Project.

Mrs. Dyke will select the 8-10 students who will serve a six week rotation (½ of the trimester) on the Hawk Tree House team. Students will be required to maintain their grades, keep up with homework and classwork, and conduct themselves with proper behavior to be a part of the team. All students in grades 5-8 are encouraged to participate. The goal is to combine students with learning challenges and students who excel to work on a collaborative team.

Mrs. Calogero and Mrs. Reeder will be the teacher leads for the program. They will teach and support the students in the project. Teachers will assist with the process, as well as have oversight of the money according to the school policy.

To be considered for the project, students must complete the attached Google Form link.

Hawk Tree House Application (

If you have any questions regarding the Hawk Tree House or the application process, please send an email to Mrs. Calogero: or Mrs. Reeder:

* Due to the current COVID surge, Session 2 will be postponed until February 2022; it will still be a 5th grade only session.

Application Link