Havva Yoldaş
Contact Details
E-mail: h.yoldas[AT]tudelft.nl, havva.yoldas[AT]gmail.com
Address: Office: HB 05.060, Building 36, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, Netherlands.
Affiliation: Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology.
Hi, welcome to my webpage!
I am a tenured assistant professor and a Delft Technology Fellow at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft. I am currently a visiting scholar at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).
My main research area is the analysis of partial differential equations arising from the applied sciences.
In August 2023, I was awarded a Veni grant (ENW Science domain) from the NWO (Dutch Research Council) with my project entitled "Mathematical analysis of metastability in complex biological systems". The project duration is from February 2024 to February 2028.
Here is my
Upcoming scientific events:
Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program, August 2024 - December 2024, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan (visiting scholar).
Analysis & PDE Seminar, 16 October 2024, National University of Singapore, Singapore (invited talk, research visit).
Mathematics in the Sciences (MiS) Seminar, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (invited talk).
CASA Colloquium, 11 December 2024, Centre for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications (CASA), Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (invited talk).
Dynamical Systems Seminar, 23 January 2025, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands (invited talk).
Young Women in Mathematical Biology, 1-3 April 2025, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany (invited talk).
Probability and Applied Analysis Summer School, 29 June - 12 July 2025, Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Istanbul, Türkiye (invited lecturer).
Selected Recent Invited Talks:
9th European Congress of Mathematics (9ECM), 15-19 July 2024, Sevilla, Spain (invited mini-symposium talk at MS25: Geometric and Regularity Aspects of Sub-elliptic PDEs: from Kinetic Equations to Hormander's Vector Fields).
The Equadiff Conference 2024, 10-14 June 2024, Karlstad University, Sweden (invited mini-symposium talk, MS1: Analysis of Nonlocal PDEs).
TIFR-CAM Math Colloquia, 31 October 2023, TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore, India (invited talk, online).
Encuentro de la Red de EDPs No Locales y Aplicaciones, 20-22 September, 2023, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), Madrid, Spain (invited talk).
BIRS-IMAG workshop "Nonlinear diffusion and nonlocal interaction models - entropies, complexity, and multi-scale structures", 28 May - 3 June, 2023, IMAG, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.
Recent Progress in Kinetic and Integro-Differential Equations, 6-11 November, 2022, Banff International Research Station, Alberta, Canada.
Recent news:
October 2024
Our preprint "Macroscopic effects of an anisotropic Gaussian-type repulsive potential: nematic alignment and spatial effects," (together with S. Merino-Aceituno, S. Plunder and C. Wytrzens) is available on arXiv.
August 2024
S. Plunder (University of Kyoto) visited me in OIST for a week.
May 2024
Our article entitled "Trend to equilibrium for run and tumble equations with non-uniform tumbling kernels" (together with J. Evans) is published online in Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.
V. Freingruber started her postdoc within my research group.
February 2024
I successfully obtained my University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) completing all 4 modules and passing my final evaluation.
D. Morris started his PhD within my research group.
January 2024
Our EWM-EMS summer school: Kinetic Theory arising from Mathematical Biology was granted financial support from the European Mathematical Society.
December 2023
I was on a two-week research visit at the University of Granada, hosted by José A. Cañzio.
November 2023
Our article entitled "On the asymptotic behaviour of a run and tumble equation for bacterial chemotaxis" (together with J. Evans) is published online in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.
Our project entitled "Co-feeding of formate to increase carbon assimilation in microbial communities: quantifying ecology to sustainably advance biotechnology" has been accepted for funding from the Climate Action Research and Education Seed of TU Delft. Main applicant is Dr. Rebeca Gonzalez-Cabaleiro and I serve as the co-applicant.
Older News
September 2023
A post-doc position (for 1 year) and a PhD position (for 4 years) to work in the broad area of mathematical analysis of PDEs arising from biology & physics are available. The deadline for appications for the postdoc position is November 15, 2023 and for the PhD position November 1, 2023. For scientific inquiries you can send me an email.
August 2023
I was awarded a Veni grant by the NWO (Dutch Research Council) with my reseach proposal entitled "Mathematical analysis of metastability in complex biological systems". Here is the news on the NWO website and here on the TU Delft website.
July 2023
Our preprint "Trend to equilibrium for run and tumble equations with non-uniform tumbling kernels," (together with J. Evans) is available on arXiv.
June 2023
Two interdisciplinary MSc. projects (of which I am the main supervisor) are selected to receive grants from the Delft Bioengineering Institute. We are looking for M.Sc. candidates in Mathematics (or Engineering disciplines with strong background in Mathematics) with an interest in interdisciplinary research. More information can be found here.
Our paper "On the asymptotic behaviour of a run and tumble equation for bacterial chemotaxis," (together with J. Evans) is accepted in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.
Our paper "Concentration in Lotka-Volterra parabolic equations: an asymptotic-preserving scheme," (together with H. Hivert and V. Calvez) is published online in Numerische Mathematik.
April 2023
Our EWM-EMS summer school proposal (together with J. Evans and S. Solem) is accepted. The summer school entitled "Kinetic Theory Arising from Mathematical Biology" will take place at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, Sweden in 1-5 July 2024.
March 2023
My review paper "On quantitative hypocoercivity estimates based on Harris-type theorems" is published in Journal of Mathematical Physics in March 2023. Here is a short summary.
November 2022
Our paper "A cross-diffusion system obtained via (convex) relaxation in the JKO scheme" (together with R. Ducasse and F. Santambrogio) is published online in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations in November 2022.
May 2022
I was awarded a Delft Technology Fellowship by TU Delft.
April 2022
I was awarded the APART-MINT Fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). I had to decline it due to an overlap with my new position in Delft.