Weekly Updates

Graduation and the End of the HAVOC Project

5/4/19 : Graduation for several members of this project moving on to seek employment or higher education.

Week 33: Graduation


This week was dedicated to finalizing all of our team's documentation and studying for final exams, thank you for your interest in our project and following our weekly updates.

Week 32: Detail Semester Capstone Presentation


All work this week went towards finalizing our presentation for the end of the Semester capstone expo. Sandy, Adam, and Sean finalized our assembly, test and team photos. Crystal finalized our specifications, and Jared made our poster and website information.

Week 31: Testing Week


This week our team fixed some the issues with the micro controller and were able to have the desired motion replication from the prototype. Sandy, Crystal, and Jared have been working on maintenance of the assembly and the document, while Adam has been debugging our code, and Sean has been working on a simulation of our system.


This week our team has continued to run tests on the prototype. Sean, Adam, and Sean have been working on the code and test preparations, Crystal has been preparing to present a summary of our project to a conference, and Jared has performed maintenance and some updated assembly of the prototype.


This week our team has been testing the nearly finalized prototype of our robot. Sandy, Crystal, and Jared worked on manufacturing, repairing and assembling the prototype while Adam and Sean debugged and wrote more ROS code.

Week 28: Finalizing the Assembly


This week our team has worked towards the finalization of the prototype to prep for next weeks conclusion of the tests. Sandy and Crystal finalized the fingers, servohorns, and palm, Sean re-soldered the PCB board for the new servos, Adam worked on ROS code, and Jared organized pieces and helped Sandy with the installation of the servos and newly printed pieces.


This week our team continued to test and change our designs as needed. Sandy and Crystal worked on the servo horns and fingers both models and tests, Sean soldered the arduino micro controller and our PCB together and worked on ROS, Adam continued to work on converting our Matlab code to ROS, and Jared started recording test results and made touch ups to the prototype assembly and forearm models.

Week 26: Spring Break


School Holiday, no meetings for this project were held


This week our team started testing with the prototype. Sandy worked with Adam to run a test of a servo in the forearm pulling a single finger, Sean continued to make progress with the ROS code, Adam made a video of our motion capture data outputs with the CAD model, Crystal made some more servo horns, and Jared published Adam's video on our Youtube channel, prototype assembly, and calculations of forces and threading.

Week 24: Marching Forward


This week our team produced more prototypes of the hand components. Sandy machined parts for the wrist mechanism and printed out the palm, Sean and Adam got another PCB produce while writing more ROS and C code, Crystal started printing test servo horns and editing our research paper, and Jared printed out a new forearm and sawyer mount.

Week 23: Winter Storm


Due to weather conditions and a holiday our progress this week was limited. Sandy continued to work on ordering components, Sean and Adam worked on the PCB board and ROS coding, Crystal designed some servo horns , and Jared continued to update the forearm models.

Week 22: Prototyping Continuation


This week our team continued to manufacture prototypes and research parts to order. Sean and Adam are learning to program in R.O.S. and modifying a PCB prototype to work on the desired micro-controller, Sandy machined components and found bearings for the fingers, Crystal updated our Gantt Chart and full CAD assembly, and Jared finished fixing errors in the forearm model discovered from the first prototype and is now working with Crystal and Adam to find servos to order.

Week 21: Prototyping Start


This week our team has worked to begin manufacturing a prototype of the robotic hand. Sean and Adam drew up a schematic for our printed circuit board (P.C.B.), Crystal and Sandy worked on prototyping and testing our finger designs, and Jared printed and tested the forearm model and ensured it could mount to the Sawyer robot.

Week 20: Prototype Model Prep


This week our team worked to finalize our models and begin printing prototypes to test. Sandy, Crystal, and Jared turned our 3D models into 2D engineering drawings, Sean and Adam continued to fix bugs in our finger motion code, and Sandy and Jared started printing prototypes.


This week was our team finalized our semester plans, Sandy and Crystal documented our models for the wrist and hand, Adam worked to fix discontinuities with finger motions, and Jared developed new models of the forearm using feedback from our preliminary design presentation.

Week 18: Detail Semester Finishing Prelim


The revisions that were needed from prelim semester were for the simulations of dynamic motions, and the editing of our preliminary reports, as of today the HAVOC team has finished their revisions and can begin to shift to manufacturing a prototype of the project and testing.

Week 17: Detail Semester Beginning


Our group has returned from the winter break. We have been working this week to revise some of the documents created during the Prelim semester, to restructure our code from matching the task space to the joint angles, and finalize a Detail semester plan for project updates and progress.

Week 16: Merry Winter Holidays


This week saw the finalization of our documentation and work in the preliminary design semester, we look forward to coming back to this project in the Spring to begin the Detail portion of this project.


All work this week went towards finalizing our presentation for the end of the Semester capstone expo. Sandy, Adam, and Sean finalized our motion capture software interfacing. Crystal finalized our dynamic simulations, and Jared made our poster and performed our ANSYS stress and strain finite element analysis.

Week 14: Last Full Week of Classes


This week has been spent in preparation of the final presentations of the preliminary design semester, Sandy has revised our documents and worked on prepping the CAD models for simulation, Sean has continued to finalize his code by simulating kinematics of the thumb, Crystal has imported all of the simulation prepped models and begun the dynamics code, Adam has tested circuit boards for the presentation, and Jared has updated his part models and begun creating a drawing package of the two dimensional views of the three dimensional parts as well as ANSYS simulations.

Week 13: Thanksgiving Holiday Break


This week saw the creation of a plan of work to be done during the detail portion of this project and the holiday break witnessed by the University for Thanksgiving

Week 12: About a third of the way there


This week was used to perform a practice presentation in preparation of next month's final preliminary design conference. Sandy worked on editing the models for the fingers to have dimensions to take into account the threads, Sean and Crystal worked towards adding the models into their motion simulations, Adam ran a trial with the motion tracker on a prototype glove and continued to work on data acquisition, and Jared assisted the motion tracking data trial, worked on some finger modelling, and the entire group worked on the power point presentation.

Week 11: Putting Things Together a Bit


This week had some more advancements, Sandy worked on tolerances and printing a working prototype of the finger model as well as finalizing a combined model of the arm , Sean has refined his Matlab simulations, Crystal has worked towards making the CAD modes simulation ready by adding proper coordinate frames, mass, and distance properties, Adam has enabled data collection from the motion tracking system, and Jared modeled more with Sandy for the arm and assisted Crystal where needed.

Week 10: November Starts with More Work Done


This week saw progress in the lab by our members, Sandy has worked more on the hand models and calibrating the motion tracking system, Sean and Crystal have made revisions and improvements to their inverse kinematic codes, Adam has worked on servo control in R.O.S., and Jared has nearly finished the forearm models and started modelling the wrist joints.

Week 9: Continued Efforts


This work week was dedicated to the continuation of what our members were working towards last week, as well as the set up of new parts, Sandy and Adam helped the faculty set up the new motion capture system, Sean and Crystal continued to modify their simulation code, and Jared has made more progress fitting the many pieces into the forearm.

Week 8: Developments and Changes


During this week our group has made progress in both simulation and modeling, Adam has worked towards the development and control over processors and servos, Sandy has worked on the finger joint models, Sean and Crystal have worked on the kinematic calculations of finger and thumb movements, and Jared has continued to model the components of the forearm cavity.

Week 7: Independent Work Week


Start of the work weeks for the preliminary design course, using this time to edit the models created for the conceptual design, researching the kinematics equations, and potential parts or joints implementations.


This week our group established a list of specifications to define the rest of the project as we move into the working weeks allotted by the preliminary design schedule and will be continuing to update all documents and this website each week.


Our group presented our combined conceptual design to our peers and received feedback and ideas on how to improve it as we move into specifications. The picture associated with this update is the newest CAD model of the robotic systems.


Our group came together and developed 5 designs; Sean's, Adam's, Sandy's, Crystal's and HAVOC Conceptual Design J, each tackling the approaches to develop a robotic hand. Spanning as many details as possible from motors, wires, and computers to software and the application of the motion tracking. Now we are working out how to get the best of each.


Our group revised and reformatted our requirements as well as begin the process of conceptualizing our project


Our group has worked towards creating the requirements that will guide the rest of the creation process


Our group came together to work on this robotic project.