Hats For Generosity

Want a hat for the winter?

All you have to do is 5 simple steps!

Step 1: Go to the Organizations Page

Go to the Organizations page (button is in upright corner), and choose an organization to donate to. Click on one of the buttons, and you'll be taken to the donation page!

Step 2: Donate

If your a student or a youth, it's completely fine if you donate only 5 or 10 dollars. However, if you have your own income I highly recommend you donate more.

Step 3: Choose Your Hat!

This is the simplest (and most fun) step! Go to the Hat Designs page and choose a design! Or if you want a mask go to the Masks page and choose a mask design!

Step 4: Contact Me

Email me at 18generosity@gmail.com Send me the screenshot of your donation, your address, and what hat you want! I will not be available by call!

Step 5: receive your hat

I lied about Step 3, this one's easier! All you have to do is wait... and wait... and wait... and wait... Somehow the hat comes in to being and is magically sent to you by way of USPS. After a couple of days or a week or two max you finally receive a package in the mail! You voraciously tear open the packaging and voila you've received your hat!