Powder Coating and Anodizing

Powder Coating

Powder coating is an advance method of applying a decorative and protective finish to a wide range of materials and products. One of the major applications is on aluminium sections. It is most economical, long lasting and more resistant to chipping, fading, scratching and wearing as compared to other coloring options. The choice of colors is virtually unlimited with a variety of textures like glossy, semi glossy, metallic and clear finishes. Colors stay vibrant and bright, thanks to process which ensures the finest of quality. The latest development is the wooden textured powder coating which gives builders, architects & interior designers capacity to provide the impression of being of real wood on Aluminium. The wood grain finish aluminium is so realistic that it’s almost indistinguishable from real wood, even from a close visual inspection.

Powder coating is a dry finishing process. The aluminium surface is thoroughly cleaned and chemically treated to remove all the dust and impurities. Secondly the dry powder is electrically charged and sprayed on the electrically grounded aluminium sections. This ensures that the powder is uniformly applied, maintaining the desired thickness of coating. Finally the sections are baked at 200 °C in a fully automatic furnace to melt the powder and fuse into a hard, smooth, uniform and attractive finish. The product is ready to be used for doors, windows, partitions and many others.


Anodizing is an electrochemical process that grows a protective coating of aluminum oxide (anodic layer) on the surface of any aluminum product. Unlike painting or plating, the anodic coating is not applied to the surface. Instead the existing aluminum oxide is enhanced and grown out from the aluminum. This creates a surface that is much harder and more resistant to corrosion and abrasion than raw aluminum. Like Powder Coating, Anodizing can also be done in various colors with both glossy and mate finish available. Most common colors being: Silver, Champagne and Black.