A community collab by Hatena360

Watch the teaser trailer!

Watch this video if you don’t wanna read below

Already made an entry? Check out what other animators have made on the Collabs Discord Server!

Subscribe to Hatena360 to watch the review stream and the collab's premiere when they release!

Hello and welcome! This collaboration is an animated version of the classic game, “Rock Paper Scissors!” Every animator is invited to throw their hand into the ring! Only catch is it might hurt a bit...

This collab is open for EVERYONE to participate! You don’t need to animate sticks or sprites, you can animate whatever and whoever you want! But before you can start your entry, there’s a few things to go over.

To participate in this collab, you are welcome to use any program you would like, but it may be easier for those using Adobe Animate or Flash programs. ALL PROGRAMS ARE WELCOME, but only high quality entries will be accepted into the full collab.

To make an entry, you’ll need to make a few separate (but short) animations. 


Your character walking into frame

(1-10 seconds)


Your character rolling rock

(2 seconds)


Your character rolling paper

(2 seconds)


Your character rolling scissors

(2 seconds)


Your character cheering over their success

(1-5 seconds)


A loop of your character waiting for the next opponent

(1-3 seconds)


Your character getting defeated

(3-30 seconds)

Here's what a finished entry should look like all together!

RPS H360_4.mp4

Lunsar's Example Part


TJB's Example Part


For some of these animations you’ll only need to animate whatever is in the left portion of the screen since your animation will share the screen with another animator. The only time you’ll be taking up the full screen is when you are defeated since the camera will shift to fully focus on your animation. THAT’S your time to shine! Go all out! (I would recommend not putting too much time into animations 2, 3, & 4 since some of yours might not be used.)

If you are using a different program, please pay attention to the following:

Your full entry should be a single video file containing all 7 animations. For animations 2, 3, and 4, each movement should occur every 10 frames.

Frame 10: Rock…

Frame 20: Paper…

Frame 30: Scissors…

Frame 40: SHOOT! 

Frame 50: Hold the final pose

Each of these animations needs to be exactly 50 frames.


RPS_Hatena_Frame Data.mp4

Joints are allowed for this collab, but they function a bit differently. 

Simply, you just need to animate your character on one side of the frame, and your friend animates their character on the other side of the frame. Because you’re working directly with someone, you have much more control over how your entry flows. So long as the characters walk into frame and complete at least 1 round of rock paper scissors, you can have them do ANYTHING!


Joint animatic with Hatena360 (Left) & Djin (Right)

If you approach a joint like this, please make sure both characters are gone by the end since we can’t transition into another person’s entry with this format. 

Alternatively, you could animate 2 characters on the same side of the screen if you want to make a more traditional entry. Make sure to name both animators in the file name in their appearance from the left side of the screen to the right.

Because every collab needs rules :)

Before submitting your entry, ensure you have done the following

If you have a question that was not answered above, check below to see if there’s an answer for it. 

Q: Can I make multiple parts?
A: Yes, but no more than 5.

Q: Do I have to add sounds? 

A: It’s not required but it saves me and my friends loads of time, but if your entry is not high quality enough then we may not include it in the collab.

Q: How will I know you received my entry?

A: If you submitted your entry to the google form link then I have received it.

Q: When will I know if my part is accepted?

A: A review stream will take place after the collab's deadline where I will review every entry. You will know then.

Q: I made some changes to my entry. Where do I send the new version?

A: Just upload it all the same, but add “V2” to the name. If you make more changes after that, change it to “V3”, “V4”, and so on.

That's everything! Good luck and have fun animating!

