Three outstanding international experts in the analysis of online hate speech will give plenary talks at the conference:

Fabienne BAIDER is a Full Professor of Linguistics at the University of Cyprus. She has been actively engaged in the study of hate speech, having led research projects such as "Creating an online network to counteract Hate Speech tactics" (C.O.N.T.A.C.T., an EU Social Justice project) and "Hate Online: Promoting Empathy" (H.O.P.E., a national project). She is a partner in the EU Social Justice project “Innovative Monitoring Systems and Prevention Policies of Online Hate Speech “ (IMsyPP). She has coedited the special issue of Pragmatics and Society (2020) entitled "Hate Speech: Definitions, Interpretations and Practices", the special issue of Lodz Papers in Pragmatics (2017) entitled “The Pragmatics of Othering: stereotyping, hate speech, and legitimizing violence”, as well as the book Online Hate Speech in the European Union: a Discourse-analytic Perspective" (et al.) published by Springer.

Eckhard BICK is a German-born linguist who works as a researcher in computational linguistics at the University of Southern Denmark, where he is a research professor at the Institute of Language and Communication. He has written computational grammars and lexica for most Germanic and Romance languages and is a leading expert in the area of Constraint Grammar, with numerous publications within the area of Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Current research interests include semantic corpus annotation, hate speech in social media and rule-base proofing tools. Eckhard Bick is a member of the XPEROHS project on hate speech in German and Danish social media and has published on various corpus-related aspects of the topic, such as "Almans and Kanaks: Inter-cultural Stereotypes in a German Twitter Corpus" (2021) and "Annotating Emoticons and Emojis in a German-Danish Social Media Corpus for Hate Speech Research" (2020).

Victoria GUILLÉN-NIETO is the author of Hate Speech: Linguistic Approaches (deGruyter, 2022). She is a Senior Lecturer of Applied Linguistics at the Department of English Studies at the University of Alicante, where she lectures forensic linguistics at postgraduate level. In Sep. 2019, she was elected President of the International Association of Language and Law (ILLA) for a two-year term. Her latest publications include "What else can you do to pass…? A pragmatics-based approach to quid pro quo sexual harassment" (in J. Giltrow, F. Olsen & D. Mancini, Eds., Legal Meanings, deGruyter, 2021) and the edited volume (with Dieter Stein), Language as Evidence: Doing Forensic Linguistics (Springer, 2022).