Nothing in philately gets a collector to properly write up his or her collection more than a public presentation on a specific date. And few things are more fun and satisfying. It doesn’t matter if you have not made a presentation before, you don’t have a computer or if your handwriting is illegible. With members of all standards, your competition entry will be welcome. We hold half a dozen competitions a year to keep you busy.
General rules for all senior competitions.
1. An entry may be submitted by any paid up member; no member may make more than one entry on each occasion. The Judy Good Cup is restricted to members who have not previously won the Mackenzie Low Cup, the Postal History Cup or the Thematic Cup.
2. Entries shall consist of of album leaves of a recognised size or similar (except for the Postcard Trophy) and must be the property of the exhibitor.
3. Entries may be handed to the secretary up to the time the chair is taken at the commencement of the meeting.
4. The trophies will be held by the winner for one year; they will be insured by the society against all usual risks, but the holders shall take all reasonable care while in their possession.
5. The competitions shall be held annually on a date to be arranged by the Secretary.
6. Judging will be carried out by a judge or judges appointed by the Secretary in consultation of the Committee.
7. The Judge(s) will be requested to select a single winner, the scales of points shown below being provided for guidance of both judge(s) and competitors. The judge(s) shall have power to withhold any award, in consultation with the President if necessary.
The Mackenzie Low Cup
Entries may consist of any collection or study of stamps on 8 sheets.
Scale of points (total maximum 100 points):
Philatelic knowledge 25
Originality and research 15
Arrangement and writing-up 25
Condition 25
Judges discretion 10
The Postal History Cup
Entries may consist of any postal history subject on 16 sheets. For this purpose postal history is defined as a collection or study of postal markings or cancellations of any period, or of the uses of stamps (as distinct from the study of the stamps themselves), or of material illustrating the history and working of any postal service.
Scale of points (total maximum 100 points):
Personal research and knowledge 40
Presentation, including writing-up, mounting, arrangement 25
Relative condition 25
Judges discretion 10
The Judy Good Cup
Entries shall consist of a collection or study of stamps and/or postal history of a single country or associated group of countries, or a thematic collection on 8 sheets.
Scale of points (total maximum 100 points):
Philatelic knowledge 20
Originality or interest 10
Arrangement and presentation 25
Research beyond catalogue 10
Condition (for type of material) 25
Judges discretion 10
The E.J.Good Thematic Cup
Entries shall consist of 8 sheets on any theme or subject portrayed by postal material (stamps, postmarks and relevant postal covers and stationary). Privately produced items should not be included. Maps and illustrations should be limited, and only used if essential to the development of the theme. The theme and the way it is being developed in the entry must be clearly defined in a plan in an introductory paragraph.
Scale of points (total maximum 100 points):
Presentation of entry 10
Plan of collection and its implementation 20
Development of theme 30
Originality of theme 10
Philatelic knowledge 15
Condition and rarity of items included 15
The J.D Heys Postcard Trophy
Cards must be true POSTCARDS and not have plain backs. They can be of any age, ie "Golden Age", Intermediate or Modern. There should be a minimum of twelve cards. The display should have a title and any subject or topic may be used.
There must be some writing up to explain the entry and additional non-postcard material relating to the chosen subject may be included. This must not be more than 20% of the display. Over-enthusiastic artistic embellishment of the entry will detract from rather than enhance it.
Scale of points (total maximum 100):
The choice of postcards together with ancillary material 20
Condition of the cards taking age into consideration 20
Writing up and presentation 20
Overall appeal, and attractiveness of the display 40
The Peter Gray One Sheet Trophy
Normally held at the last meeting before Christmas. Entries should have a connection to philately in some way, however nebulous. The aim to to entertain, educate or even entrance. Humour is welcomed.
Scale of points (total maximum 100):
Judges discretion 100